
Distribution of high-quality development plans for the internal combustion engine industry

Recently, the China Internal Combustion Engine Industry Association released the "High Quality Development Plan for the Internal Combustion Engine Industry (2021-2035)" (referred to as the "Plan") at the fifth expanded meeting of the sixth session, proposing to strive for the internal combustion engine industry to achieve "carbon peak" by 2028, "near zero pollution emissions" by 2030, and "carbon neutrality" by 2050, meeting the needs of national economic construction, national defense security, and people's lives for efficiency, cleanliness The demand for low-carbon internal combustion power.

At the optimal window of innovative development

"The development of the internal combustion engine industry is facing unprecedented challenges. Firstly, the huge impact brought by new energy; secondly, supply chain risks will persist for a long time; and thirdly, technological development has entered a bottleneck period." Qian Hengrong, Secretary of the Party Committee, General Manager, and Vice Chairman of the China Association for Internal Combustion, stated at the meeting that under the constraints of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Countries around the world have increased policy support for the new energy industry, providing a favorable environment for its rapid rise.

At present, new energy products have begun to switch to internal combustion engines; And with the demand for technological upgrades, the internal combustion engine industry is becoming increasingly reliant on imported key components (such as the emission components involved in the National VI transition, which mainly rely on imports), and there is a risk of being choked in this regard; From the existing technological models, the combustion efficiency of internal combustion engines has reached a bottleneck and cannot further meet the requirements of high efficiency, low-carbon, and near zero emissions. To break through bottlenecks, the internal combustion engine industry chain must collaborate on technological innovation and synchronize technological subversion. This requires a lot of time to explore, and what the internal combustion engine industry is currently lacking is precisely time.

"While recognizing the challenges, the internal combustion engine industry is also in the best window of innovative development." Qian Hengrong analyzed that the EU's announcement of a "ban on combustion" first sends two signals. In addition to the rise of new energy, another signal is that the EU has abandoned research on next-generation automotive internal combustion engine technology. This means that in the future, China will not only be the market center of internal combustion engines, but also the technology center of internal combustion engines, This has created favorable conditions for us to seize the international dominance of the internal combustion engine industry. Secondly, China is vigorously promoting new infrastructure through digital empowerment of technologies such as big data, industrial internet, and intelligent manufacturing, which is beneficial for reducing carbon emissions throughout the entire lifecycle of products in the internal combustion engine industry; It is more conducive for relevant enterprises to improve operational efficiency, reduce operating costs, invest more energy in transformation and technological upgrading, and promote the healthy development of the internal combustion engine industry. Thirdly, after experiencing multiple industrial upgrades, it can be said that China's internal combustion engine industry has stood on the same starting line as Europe and America, and the development of the industry has created a strong talent team.

So in Qian Hengrong's view, the most crucial factor for the development of the internal combustion engine industry lies in "time". He proposed that the next internal combustion engine industry should achieve four "fast" goals:

The system construction needs to be fast. Building an innovative community of government, industry, academia, research, and application, completing system construction and platform construction as soon as possible, accumulating industry advantages, and tackling key core technologies in the internal combustion engine industry,


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