
What is the cause of black smoke from diesel engines?

The diesel engine emits black smoke due to the following reasons:

1. Blockage of air filter: blocked air intake is the most common problem, because too much dust and particles in the air make the filter element accumulate more dust and dirt, which increases the air intake resistance, resulting in insufficient air supply and affecting combustion efficiency. 2. Poor oil quality and carbon deposit: if the added diesel oil is of poor quality, carbon deposit will be generated after the combustion of the mixture, and the carbon deposit will hinder the oil circuit and lead to poor fuel supply, which may cause the mixture to be too rich and generate black smoke.

3. Insufficient compression force: after the valve, piston ring and cylinder liner are worn, the compression pressure is insufficient, the compressed pressure and temperature can not meet the requirements, and the combustion conditions of fuel become poor, which is easy to produce black smoke.

4. Poor operation of fuel injector: the poor operation of fuel injector is mainly manifested in three aspects: poor quality of spray, insufficient injection pressure, and leakage of fuel injector. These three conditions will make the fuel not fully mixed with the air in the cylinder, so that it cannot burn completely.

5. Poor operation of the injection pump: the plunger or outlet valve of the injection pump is severely worn, and the serious wear of individual or all of the plunger or outlet valves of the injection pump will lead to the drop of the pump oil pressure of the injection pump, which will make the pressure building of the injector relatively delayed, the injection delay, and the afterburning increase, so the diesel engine emits black smoke.


Jiangsu Meao Power Technology Co., Ltd. is an important manufacturer of diesel generators. The company mainly manufactures and sells diesel generator sets with power of 3-3000kW, mobile power station of 24-600kW, Marine emergency diesel generator set of 24-800kW, gas generator set, heavy oil generator set and all kinds of imported series, special series (trailer, static speaker, mobile lighthouse, container, etc.) diesel generator At the same time, we are engaged in generator set maintenance and after-sale service of generator set accessories.