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Accelerate the construction of a unified national electricity market system

 We must follow the laws of electricity market operation and market economy, optimize the overall design of the electricity market, achieve the sharing, mutual assistance, and optimized allocation of electricity resources on a larger scale throughout the country, and accelerate the formation of a unified, open, orderly, safe, efficient, and well governed electricity market system. Strengthening the comprehensive leadership of the Party in educational work is the fundamental guarantee for running education well. We need to establish a principal responsibility system under the leadership of the Party organization in primary and secondary schools, and integrate political standards and requirements throughout the entire process of running schools, teaching and educating people. We must adhere to educating people for the Party and the country, and ensure that the Party's educational policies and decisions and deployments are implemented in primary and secondary schools. We need to strengthen the protection and utilization of cultural relics and the preservation and inheritance of cultural heritage, improve the level of research, interpretation, display and dissemination of cultural relics, and truly bring them to life. This will become a profound nourishment for strengthening the construction of socialist spiritual civilization and an important business card for expanding the international influence of Chinese culture. We should support the Zhongguancun National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone to better leverage its advantages in scientific and technological resources and institutional innovation, and carry out high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement pilot reforms.

Li Keqiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Deputy Director of the Central Committee for Comprehensive Deepening of Reform, Wang Huning, and Han Zheng attended the meeting.


The meeting pointed out that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee has laid out and promoted the overall reform of the science and technology system, and the basic system in the field of science and technology has been basically established. Substantive progress has been made in some important areas and key links of reform, and many tough challenges have been overcome. However, compared with the new situation and requirements, there are still some prominent shortcomings in China's science and technology system, and some deep-seated institutional and mechanism obstacles have not been fundamentally eliminated.

The meeting emphasized the need to strengthen the national strategic scientific and technological strength, give full play to the role of the Party and the state as leaders and organizers of major scientific and technological innovation, build an efficient organizational system for key core technology research, establish a mission driven and task oriented national laboratory system, layout and construct basic discipline research centers, reform and innovate the approval and organizational management methods of major scientific and technological projects, and strengthen systematic competitiveness. To optimize the structure of scientific and technological forces, give full play to the leading role of enterprises in scientific and technological innovation, promote the formation of a virtuous cycle of science and technology, industry, and finance, and accelerate the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements. We need to improve the institutional mechanisms for cultivating, utilizing, evaluating, serving, supporting, and incentivizing scientific and technological talents, accelerate the construction of a national strategic talent force, and achieve talent and stimulate the vitality of the main body in fulfilling national missions. We must have greater courage to accelerate the transformation of government science and technology management functions, adhere to the positioning of focusing on strategy, reform, planning, and services, strengthen planning policy guidance, strengthen leadership and guidance for major scientific research projects, and provide more accurate guidance and services for enterprises. It is necessary to fully authorize scientific research units and personnel based on task needs and actual work, establish a responsibility system, establish a "military order", and ensure that there is responsibility, management, and supervision. Those who fail to properly authorize or fulfill their responsibilities will be held accountable to ensure that the delegated authority is well received and utilized.

The meeting pointed out that in recent years, the construction of China's electricity market has been steadily and orderly promoted, and the proportion of market-oriented trading electricity has significantly increased. To improve the multi-level unified electricity market system, accelerate the construction of the national electricity market, guide the coordinated operation and integrated development of electricity markets at all levels of the country, province (region, city), and region, standardize and unify trading rules and technical standards, and promote the formation of a diversified competitive electricity market pattern. We need to reform and improve the market-oriented formation mechanism of coal electricity prices, improve the transmission mechanism of electricity prices, and effectively balance the supply and demand of electricity. We need to strengthen the overall planning, policies and regulations, and scientific monitoring of electricity, ensure the supply of basic public services, and ensure the relative stability of electricity prices for residents, agriculture, and public utilities. We need to promote the construction of an electricity market mechanism that adapts to the transformation of energy structure, orderly promote the participation of new energy in market transactions, scientifically guide electricity planning and effective investment, and give full play to the supporting role of the electricity market in the clean and low-carbon transformation of energy.

The meeting emphasized the need to adhere to and strengthen the comprehensive leadership of the Party over primary and secondary schools. Based on a thorough summary of pilot work, it is necessary to improve the institutional mechanism for giving full play to the leadership role of Party organizations in primary and secondary schools, and ensure that Party organizations fulfill their leadership responsibilities of directing, managing the overall situation, making decisions, organizing teams, leading teams, and ensuring implementation. We should regard party building work as an important task in running schools, give full play to the role of grassroots party organizations, strengthen the construction of party members, and make grassroots party organizations a strong fortress for teaching and educating students in schools. We must firmly grasp ideological and political work, deeply carry out education on socialist core values, do a good job in student moral education, deeply integrate the promotion of revolutionary traditions and the inheritance of red genes into school education, cultivate a strong sense of love for the Party, the country, the people, and socialism, and strive to cultivate socialist builders and successors with comprehensive development in morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics, and labor. We need to strengthen guidance on classification and implement it step by step, targeting schools of different types and sizes. On the premise of making ideological, organizational, and work preparations, we need to mature and adjust one by one, and promote the implementation of reforms.

The meeting pointed out that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China's cultural relics industry has made great progress, and the level of cultural relics protection, management, and utilization has been continuously improved. We need to strengthen the overall plan for the protection of cultural relics, coordinate rescue and preventive protection, ontology protection and surrounding protection, single point protection and cluster protection, maintain the historical authenticity, integrity, and cultural continuity of cultural relics resources, and establish a solid bottom line for the safety of cultural relics. To accurately extract and display the spiritual symbols of excellent traditional Chinese culture, and better reflect the historical value, cultural value, aesthetic value, technological value, and contemporary value of cultural relics. We need to innovate transformation methods, strengthen platform construction, consolidate talent foundation, improve institutional mechanisms, and take the implementation of major projects as the driving force to enhance the innovation capacity of cultural relics technology and the level of work guarantee. We need to carry out innovative services to better integrate cultural relics into daily life and serve the people, actively expand platforms for cultural relics to exchange with foreign countries, and enhance the international dissemination capacity of Chinese culture through multiple channels.

The meeting pointed out that supporting the Zhongguancun National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone to carry out high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement pilot reform, we should aim at the most prominent shortcomings and urgent tasks in achieving high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement, and strive for breakthroughs and innovations in strengthening innovation entities, gathering innovation elements, optimizing innovation mechanisms, and accelerating the construction of a world leading scientific and technological park and innovation highland. Reform should take more substantive measures to play a pilot breakthrough and stress testing role, actively explore practical paths to solve problems, and pay attention to accumulating experience in preventing, controlling, and resolving risks.

Members of the Central Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform attended the meeting, and officials from relevant departments of the central and state organs attended the meeting as observers.