Industry news

Shandong Province: By the end of December 2021, the province will shut down and withdraw 2.0665 million kilowatts of inefficient thermal power units

Recently, the Department of Ecology and Environment of Shandong Province and nine other departments jointly issued the "Action Plan for Comprehensive Control of Air Pollution in Autumn and Winter of 2021-2022 in Shandong Province", which formulated eight key tasks including strict source prevention and control of "two highs" projects and carrying out scattered coal control actions. The scattered coal-fired small thermal power units within a heating radius of 30 kilometers of cogeneration units will be shut down and integrated. By the end of December 2021, the province will shut down and withdraw 2.0665 million kilowatts of inefficient thermal power units. The details are as follows:

Notice on Issuing the Action Plan for Comprehensive Control of Air Pollution in Autumn and Winter of 2021-2022 in Shandong Province

Luhuanfa [2021] No. 9

Ecological Environment Bureau, Development and Reform Commission, Industry and Information Technology Bureau, Public Security Bureau, Finance Bureau, Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau, Transportation Bureau, Market Supervision Bureau, Energy Bureau of each city:

We are now issuing to you the Action Plan for Comprehensive Control of Air Pollution in the Autumn and Winter of 2021-2022 in Shandong Province. Please implement it carefully.

Shandong Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, Shandong Provincial Development and Reform Commission

Shandong Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Shandong Provincial Department of Public Security

Shandong Provincial Department of Finance, Shandong Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development

Shandong Provincial Department of Transport and Shandong Provincial Market Supervision Administration

Shandong Provincial Energy Bureau

November 25, 2021

Shandong Province, 2021-2022

Action Plan for Comprehensive Control of Air Pollution in Autumn and Winter

In order to implement the "2021-2022 Comprehensive Control Plan for Air Pollution in Autumn and Winter" jointly issued by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and seven provincial (municipal) governments, and in combination with the actual situation of our province, this action plan is formulated.

1、 Main objectives

During the autumn and winter seasons (October 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022), the control targets for fine particulate matter (PM2.5) concentration and the control targets for severe and above pollution days in 13 cities including Jinan are shown in the table below. Qingdao, Yantai, and Weihai have achieved the corresponding annual air quality improvement targets.

2、 Main tasks

(1) Strictly prevent and control the source of "two highs" projects. Each city should conduct a comprehensive and dynamic investigation of all "two high" projects, implement inventory management, conscientiously carry out self-examination and self correction, and investigate and punish illegal construction of "two high" projects without approval in accordance with the law. Strict environmental access is required, and all new, renovated, and expanded "two highs" projects must implement five reduction alternatives, including production capacity, energy, coal, carbon emissions, and pollutant emissions. Except for relocation and capacity replacement, no new steel smelting capacity projects shall be approved. Before the new steel project is put into operation, the production capacity used for replacement needs to be simultaneously withdrawn. Promote the improvement of energy efficiency and environmental protection levels of ongoing and planned "two highs" projects, and advance the transformation and upgrading of existing "two highs" projects. (Led by the Provincial Development and Reform Commission and implemented by each city, the following tasks need to be implemented by each city and will not be listed one by one) By the end of December 2021, 4.65 million tons of steelmaking capacity and 5.07 million tons of ironmaking capacity will be transferred and withdrawn; Complete the elimination of coke ovens with a height of less than 5.5 meters in the carbonization chamber, reducing coking capacity by 1.8 million tons; Reduce crude steel production by 3.44 million tons; Implement the policy of "determining coke based on steel" and "determining production based on coal", and control the annual coke production in the province at 32 million tons. Carry out a "look back" on reducing steel production capacity and strictly prevent the resurgence of "strip steel". (Led by the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology)

Relevant cities shall formulate staggered production plans for the steel industry during heating periods, and inspect the steel production capacity and staggered production measures one by one. From January 1st to March 15th, 2022, in principle, the off peak production ratio of each steel enterprise shall not be less than 30% of the crude steel production in the same period of 2021. Enterprises with A-level environmental performance ratings and all scrap steel short process steelmaking enterprises that have completed ultra-low emission transformation shall independently adopt emission reduction measures, and crude steel production shall not increase year-on-year during autumn and winter; Other enterprises strictly follow the schedule listed in the "Shandong Province 2021-2022 Heating Season Steel Industry Off peak Production Plan" by the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology and the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment to implement the off peak production ratio. Since 2021, the central ecological environment protection inspection and the "look back" inspection of steel production capacity have found illegal and irregular behaviors, with a capacity utilization rate exceeding 120%, and enterprises not listed in the steel industry standard announcement of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, increasing the proportion of off peak production. Off peak production shall be calculated based on the shutdown of specific blast furnace equipment and shall not be replaced by reducing production load. The off peak production ratio of production equipment such as coke ovens, sintering, pelletizing, lime kilns, etc. that are matched with blast furnaces shall not be lower than that of blast furnaces. The ultra-low emissions of steel enterprises (led by the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology and the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment) should be tailored to the factory, and mature and applicable treatment technologies and processes should be selected, and timely evaluation and monitoring should be carried out. For those that do not meet the ultra-low emission requirements, differentiated emergency emission reduction measures should be taken in various regions, and differentiated electricity pricing policies should be implemented. (Led by the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment and the Provincial Development and Reform Commission)

(2) Accelerate the promotion of loose coal management and carry out actions for loose coal management. Carry out special inspections on coal quality and the re ignition of loose coal during the heating period to prevent the re ignition of loose coal and crack down on illegal sales of loose coal. (Each city is responsible for) Following the principle of "gas based renovation, supply based demand, first establish and then break, no establish and no break", resources are concentrated to promote clean heating at the county or township level. 2.0017 million households in rural areas of the province have completed clean heating renovation, and all clean heating facilities must be put into normal use before the heating period. By 2022, the seven transmission channel cities will strive to achieve all necessary improvements, with the basic construction of coal free areas. For those that have not completed clean heating renovations, a list will be established and implemented at the household level. (Led by the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development, Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Provincial Department of Finance, Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, and Provincial Energy Bureau) Strengthen the substitution of agricultural loose coal clean energy in planting, breeding, and agricultural and sideline product processing industries. Each city is responsible for preparing winter peak shaving and supply resource reserves in advance to ensure stable supply of clean heating gas and power. Support the promotion of distributed photovoltaic power generation, biomass energy, wind energy, geothermal energy and other energy sources for clean heating. Led by the Provincial Energy Bureau, the area that has completed the overall clean heating renovation and stable operation is designated as a high pollution fuel prohibition zone in accordance with the law. (Led by the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment)

(3) Deepen the comprehensive rectification, inspection, and sampling of boilers, furnaces, and kilns. Carry out a special action to inspect and test coal-fired boilers (including tea stoves, commercial stoves, grain storage and drying equipment, and other coal-fired facilities) and kilns, and urge rectification of those that cannot stably meet emission standards. Led by the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, the scattered coal-fired small thermal power units within a 30 kilometer heating radius of cogeneration units will be shut down and integrated. By the end of December 2021, the province will shut down and withdraw 2.0665 million kilowatts of inefficient thermal power units. Coal fired boilers with a capacity of 35 tons/hour or less, led by the Provincial Energy Bureau, will be shut down and phased out on schedule. The main structure will be dismantled, and all connecting pipelines and lines will be cut off. If the phase out is not completed on time due to residential heating, it will be shut down and phased out after the heating period ends. Ban coal-fired hot air stoves by the end of December 2021; Heating furnaces, heat treatment furnaces, drying furnaces, etc. that use coal as fuel will be converted to industrial waste heat or electric energy, promoting the transformation of blast furnaces in the casting industry with a capacity of 10 tons/hour or less and blast furnaces in the rock wool industry to electric furnaces. (Led by the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment)

Low efficiency treatment processes such as integrated desulfurization and dust removal, and integrated desulfurization and denitrification should be upgraded to ensure stable and compliant emissions. For desulfurization processes using magnesium oxide, ammonia method, single alkali method, double alkali method, etc., it is necessary to prevent blockage of the desulfurization system and ensure stable operation of the desulfurization facilities. Promote the transformation of low nitrogen combustion in gas boilers, and strictly control the quality of key components such as low nitrogen burners, flue gas recirculation systems, staged combustion systems, fuel and air volume adjustment systems to ensure the stable operation of low nitrogen combustion systems; Promote the elimination of the flue gas recirculation system switch valve in gas boilers. If it is necessary to retain it, supervision can be strengthened by setting up electric valves, pneumatic valves, or lead seals. Biomass boilers should adopt dedicated boilers, equipped with high-efficiency dust removal facilities such as cyclones and bags. It is prohibited to co burn coal, garbage, industrial solid waste and other materials. If the concentration of nitrogen oxides exceeds the emission standard limit, denitrification facilities should be equipped; Promote the ultra-low emission transformation of biomass boilers in urban built-up areas; For those using SCR denitrification process, the catalyst usage status should be checked to ensure the good and stable operation of the denitrification system. Gas boilers should use finely desulfurized gas as fuel or be equipped with high-efficiency desulfurization facilities. If the nitrogen oxide concentration exceeds the emission standard limit, denitrification facilities should be equipped. (Led by the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment)

(4) Solidly promote the investigation and rectification of prominent problems in VOCs governance. Strictly implement the requirements of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment's "Notice on Accelerating the Resolution of Outstanding Issues in the Treatment of Volatile Organic Compounds", and complete the investigation of 10 key links including volatile organic liquid storage tanks, loading and unloading, open liquid level, leak detection and repair, exhaust gas collection, exhaust gas bypass, treatment facilities, gas stations, abnormal working conditions, and VOCs content in products. Inspect and test all key management enterprises for pollutant discharge permits. By the end of December 2021, each city will supervise and assist enterprises found to have outstanding problems through inspection, sampling, and supervision, and urge them to formulate rectification plans and complete the rectification on schedule. Cultivate and establish benchmark enterprises for VOCs governance. (Led by the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment) Strengthen the quality supervision and spot checks of coatings, inks, adhesives, cleaning agents and other products that already have mandatory national standards for VOCs content limits in the production and sales processes. (Led by the Provincial Market Supervision Bureau)

(5) Organize and carry out multi link pollution control inspections for mobile sources. Carry out a special action to conduct spot checks on diesel vehicle exhaust emissions. Led by the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, the Provincial Department of Transportation, and the Provincial Department of Public Security, each city organized a special inspection of heavy-duty gas vehicles that meet the National VI emission standards. The inspection verified the disclosure of environmental information, pollution control devices, and emissions, with a focus on verifying whether the three-way catalytic converter and rear oxygen sensor were abnormal. Abnormal vehicles were punished according to regulations, and annual inspections were conducted. (Led by the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment) Fully achieve the goal of phasing out diesel trucks operating under the National III and below emission standards, and strictly prevent the illegal operation of phased out vehicles in urban and rural areas or their use within industrial and mining enterprises. (Led by the Provincial Department of Transport) Accelerate the promotion and application of new energy vehicles, enrich and expand the application scenarios of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (led by the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology), carry out special law enforcement inspections on non road mobile machinery, strictly investigate and punish on-site operation machinery, vehicles exceeding standards and emitting black smoke, and achieve full coverage of key places. Continuously carry out non road mobile machinery coding registration and positioning control, and verify coding quality. Support various cities to promote their work through methods such as "new for old", dismantling and scrapping, replacing engines, outbound sales, and technological transformation. (Led by the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment)

Establish a traceability mechanism for in use oil products, improve traceability procedures, trace clues of non-standard oil problems discovered, and hold relevant producers, sellers, and transporters accountable in accordance with the law. Led by the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, we will carry out daily supervision, spot checks, and testing of the quality of automotive oil products in the production, sales, and use stages. We will concentrate on cracking down on storage, sales, distribution centers, and production and processing enterprises of inferior oil products, and clean up and ban illegal refueling stations, illegal mobile refueling vehicles, and illegal self owned oil tanks. Punish and punish the sale of non ethanol gasoline in closed promotion areas for ethanol gasoline in accordance with the law. (Responsible for each city)

Improve the proportion of railway dedicated lines connected to major coastal ports, industrial and mining enterprises with an annual cargo volume of over 1.5 million tons, and logistics parks. Other enterprises should develop transportation modes such as "railway+new energy connection or closed belt pipe gallery". Accelerate the construction of 11 railway dedicated lines, including the railway dedicated line of Huaneng Jining High tech Zone Thermal Power Co., Ltd. Promote the use of shore power for ships to dock. Focusing on ports, thermal power, steel, petrochemical, chemical, coal, coke, non-ferrous metals, building materials (including sand and gravel aggregates) and other industries and industrial parks, we will conduct a survey on the transportation of bulk goods, verify the clean transportation situation of railways, waterways, pipelines, etc. one by one, and complete the "one enterprise, one policy" plan for adjusting the transportation structure of bulk goods in ports and key industries by the end of December 2021. Jinan City is promoting the urban logistics intermodal transportation mode of "internal consolidation and external distribution". (Led by the Provincial Department of Transportation)

(6) Strengthen the inspection and control of straw burning ban. Implement the main responsibilities of local governments at all levels, fully leverage the role of grassroots organizations in villages and groups, and improve the grid based supervision system. Carry out a special inspection campaign to ban the burning of straw during the autumn harvest, focusing on the four time periods of easy burning straw: the end of the day, the first half of the night, before rain, and before sowing. Strengthen field patrols and inspections, strictly implement the target responsibility assessment and reward and punishment system for local prohibition of burning supervision, and transfer the problem of straw burning to relevant departments for serious accountability. (Led by the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment)

(7) Carry out comprehensive rectification of dust pollution. Strengthen the supervision of urban dust reduction, and the average dust reduction amount in each city shall not exceed 7 tons/month · square kilometer. Led by the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, a special inspection on dust pollution control was carried out. Strictly implement the "six measures" for construction sites, install online monitoring and video surveillance facilities for construction sites above designated size, and connect to local regulatory platforms. Standardize the closed transportation of construction waste and dust prevention and control in building construction (including demolition) and municipal engineering projects, and implement full process supervision. Led by the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development, the investigation and filing of urban public areas, long-term undeveloped construction bare land, abandoned factory areas, logistics parks, large parking lots, etc. will be carried out to control dust. (Each city is responsible for) promoting the mechanization and wet cleaning operation of vacuum cleaning, and increasing the washing and cleaning efforts of important road sections such as the outer ring road, entrances and exits, and urban-rural junctions. Timely replacement and recycling of dust nets along railway lines. By the end of December 2021, led by the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development, the Provincial Department of Transport, and the Jinan Railway Bureau, large-scale coal, ore, and other bulk cargo terminals along the coast and inland rivers, as well as railway material yards, will fully complete the construction of dust suppression facilities and the closed renovation of material conveying systems. (Led by the Provincial Department of Transportation and the Jinan Bureau of China Railway)

(8) Strengthen the supervision and inspection of emergency emission reduction measures for heavy pollution weather. According to the requirements of the "Performance Grading and Emission Reduction Measures for Key Industries in Heavy Pollution Weather" and its supplementary explanations, we will strictly implement differentiated emission reduction measures, achieve full coverage of gas related enterprises in the emission reduction list, ensure the authenticity and effectiveness of the list of guarantee enterprises, and ensure that the control measures for non guarantee enterprises can be implemented and verified. The cement industry implements staggered production. Strictly implement the requirement to stop using National IV and below heavy-duty cargo vehicles (including gas) for transportation during the emergency response period for heavy pollution weather. Efforts will be made to coordinate and ensure energy supply, and there will be no restrictions on coal transport vehicles with emission standards of National V or above. Standardize emergency emission reduction measures. Enterprises that issue separate pollutant discharge permits must formulate emergency emission reduction measures as independent enterprises and shall not merge the production processes of multiple independent pollutant discharge permit enterprises to jointly formulate emergency emission reduction measures. Emergency emission reduction measures should be calculated based on the production line, avoiding methods such as reducing production load and shortening production time. Key data of key industries should be included in the central control data records and management should be strengthened. Promptly activate heavy pollution weather warnings in accordance with the law and supervise the implementation of emission reduction measures. Intensify the supervision and inspection of emergency emission reduction measures for heavy pollution weather, verify the effectiveness and operability of emission reduction measures for each enterprise, and ensure true emission reduction. (Led by the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment)

3、 Guarantee measures

Intensify fiscal policies and credit financing support, and strictly implement subsidies for clean heating and other services. (Led by the Provincial Department of Finance) Establish a mobile source monitoring system with a focus on motor vehicle emissions, covering non road mobile machinery, ships, etc. By the end of December 2021, cities will carry out non road mobile machinery emission testing in emission control areas, complete the planning of traffic air quality monitoring stations, and promote traffic air quality and flow monitoring. Each city strengthens the monitoring of particulate matter components and VOCs in autumn and winter, and completes the reporting work as required. Key enterprises involved in VOCs and nitrogen oxides shall be included in the list of key polluting units in accordance with the law, with a coverage rate of not less than 65% of industrial VOCs and nitrogen oxide emissions. Key polluting units shall install and use automatic monitoring equipment for pollutant emissions in accordance with regulations and connect to the monitoring platform of the ecological environment department to ensure normal operation. Strictly investigate and punish behaviors such as unlicensed discharge, non compliant discharge, illegal direct discharge through bypass and abandoned flue, excessive discharge, online data falsification, ledger falsification, failure to install pollution control facilities, abnormal operation of pollution control facilities, and non-standard discharge outlets. Timely expose typical cases of illegal activities. We will implement a tracking management system of "hanging notes" for problems found in supervision and assistance and various special inspections since 2021, establish a ledger, formulate rectification plans, and complete rectification according to requirements. Led by the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, a joint departmental inspection will be conducted on motor vehicle testing institutions. By the end of March 2022, a list of institutions with poor data quality or even tampering or falsifying data will be made public. (Led by the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment and the Provincial Market Supervision Bureau). All relevant departments should actively implement the requirements of relevant tasks, formulate implementation plans, further refine and decompose target tasks, clarify timelines and responsible persons, organize and carry out special actions, and guide and supervise each city to complete various target tasks. (Led by the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Provincial Department of Public Security, Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development, Provincial Department of Transportation, Provincial Market Supervision Bureau, and Provincial Energy Bureau)

Each city should implement the "2021-2022 Comprehensive Control Plan for Air Pollution in Autumn and Winter" jointly issued by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and seven provincial (municipal) governments, as well as the requirements of this plan. Please submit the summary report of the comprehensive control of air pollution in autumn and winter of 2021-2022 to the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment by April 10, 2022.