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Implementation Plan for Deepening Price Mechanism Reform during the 14th Five Year Plan Period in Guangdong Province: Promoting the Solution to Cross Subsidy Issues of Electricity Prices in Various Pr

The Guangdong Provincial Development and Reform Commission recently issued a notice on the implementation plan for deepening price mechanism reform during the 14th Five Year Plan period in Guangdong Province, continuing to deepen electricity price reform. According to the principle of "opening up both ends and controlling the middle", strengthen the supervision of transmission and distribution electricity prices, and orderly promote the market-oriented reform of on grid electricity prices and sales electricity prices. Further improve the pricing mechanism for provincial power grids and incremental distribution networks, promote the resolution of cross subsidies for electricity prices in various price ranges throughout the province, and streamline the structure of transmission and distribution electricity prices. Accelerate the market-oriented reform of on grid electricity prices for coal-fired power generation, gas-fired power generation, hydropower, nuclear power, etc., orderly promote the entry of all industrial and commercial users into the market, cancel the sales price of industrial and commercial catalogs, establish a system for industrial and commercial users who have not yet directly purchased electricity from the electricity market to purchase electricity on behalf of power grid enterprises, gradually improve the market trading mechanism and rules, and actively and steadily promote the construction of the electricity spot market. Promote the improvement of the pricing mechanism for cross provincial electricity markets. Improve the tiered electricity pricing system for residents and the peak valley time of use electricity pricing policy, establish and improve the pricing mechanism for peak shaving backup power sources such as pumped storage and new energy storage. (Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Energy Bureau, Southern Supervision Bureau of National Energy Administration, and Municipal People's Governments at or above the local level)

(6) Continuously improve the green electricity pricing policy. Clarify the specific identification methods for high energy consuming and high emission industries, vigorously implement green electricity pricing policies such as differential electricity prices and tiered electricity prices, and strengthen the coordination between electricity pricing policies, industrial policies, and environmental protection policies. Continue to implement supportive electricity pricing policies to promote the development of industries such as sewage treatment, shore power, new energy vehicles, and seawater desalination. (Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Department of Industry and Information Technology, Department of Ecology and Environment, Energy Bureau, and municipal governments at or above the local level)

The details are as follows:

Notice from the Development and Reform Commission of Guangdong Province on Issuing the Implementation Plan for Deepening Price Mechanism Reform during the 14th Five Year Plan Period in Guangdong Province

Yue Fa Gai Price [2021] No. 470

Municipal governments at or above the local level and relevant provincial units:

With the approval of the Provincial People's Government, the Implementation Plan for Deepening the Reform of Price Mechanism in Guangdong Province during the 14th Five Year Plan Period is now issued to you for careful implementation.

Guangdong Provincial Development and Reform Commission

December 10, 2021

Implementation Plan for Deepening Price Mechanism Reform in Guangdong Province during the 14th Five Year Plan Period

In order to thoroughly implement the requirements of the "Notice of the National Development and Reform Commission on the Action Plan for Deepening the Reform of the Price Mechanism during the 14th Five Year Plan Period" (NDRC Price [2021] No. 689) and deepen the reform of the price mechanism in key areas of our province during the 14th Five Year Plan period, this implementation plan is now formulated in combination with the actual situation.

1、 Overall requirements

(1) Guiding ideology. Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we will deeply implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Plenary Sessions of the 19th Central Committee. Based on the new development stage, we will implement the new development concept, create a strategic pivot for the new development pattern, focus on helping to achieve the goals of "carbon peak and carbon neutrality", promote resource conservation and environmental protection, improve the quality of public service supply, better guarantee and improve people's livelihoods, deepen the reform of price mechanisms in key areas, accelerate the improvement of the mechanism mainly determined by the market, enhance the ability to govern prices, ensure that the overall price level operates within a reasonable range, and create a good market environment for sustained and healthy economic and social development.

(2) Basic principles.

——Adhere to the market direction. Give full play to the decisive role of the market in resource allocation, better leverage the role of the government, further open up prices for goods and services in competitive fields, improve the mechanism where prices are mainly determined by the market, and hand over all prices that can be formed by the market to the market.

——Adhere to the combination of pipe laying and management. For the field of government pricing, dynamically improve the government pricing catalog, simplify the approval process, and standardize government pricing behavior. Strengthen in-process and post event supervision and optimize price services for the implementation of market regulated prices.

——Adhere to the system concept. Coordinate and promote price reform with fiscal taxation, income distribution, industry management system, and other reforms, taking into account the relationships between upstream and downstream industries, enterprise development and livelihood security, economic efficiency and social equity, economic development and environmental protection. Seize the opportunity, pace, and intensity, steadily promote and strive for practical results.

(3) Main objective. By 2025, competitive fields and link prices will be mainly determined by the market, a scientific pricing mechanism for network-based natural monopoly links will be fully established, the mechanism for forming energy and resource prices will be further improved, the mechanism for regulating prices of important livelihood commodities will be more sound, the basic policy for public service prices will be improved, and a pricing policy system that meets the requirements of high-quality development will be basically established.

2、 Strengthen and improve price regulation

(1) Establish a sound monitoring, prediction, and early warning system. Establish and improve a cross departmental analysis and early warning mechanism. Utilize modern science and technology to improve the price monitoring and early warning system, and establish a comprehensive network system for collecting information on important goods and services. Carry out price monitoring during critical periods such as important holidays, major natural disasters, and sudden public events. Deepen cooperation with industry associations and market institutions, fully utilize the power of third-party institutions, strengthen the scientific nature of comprehensive research and trend analysis, and enhance risk assessment and prediction and early warning. (Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Department of Commerce, Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and Municipal People's Governments at or above the local level)

(2) Strengthen the price regulation of important livelihood commodities. Research and formulate implementation opinions on improving the price regulation mechanism for important livelihood commodities, strengthen countercyclical regulation of important livelihood commodities such as pigs, effectively ensure the supply of grain, oil, meat, eggs, vegetables, fruits, and milk, and prevent price fluctuations. We will improve the regulatory measures mainly based on reserve regulation, accelerate the construction and improvement of an important livelihood commodity reserve system that combines government reserves with social reserves, conventional reserves with temporary reserves, and physical reserves with capacity reserves. Adhere to both "raising" and "lowering" methods, improve emergency response mechanisms, focus on pre adjustment and fine-tuning, and enhance price regulation capabilities. Explore the establishment of a price range regulation system, and guide farmers' professional cooperatives, wholesale markets, logistics platforms, associations and chambers of commerce to actively participate in price range regulation. Implement the national minimum purchase price policy for rice and fully leverage the role of agricultural insurance in stabilizing prices and ensuring supply. (Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Department of Finance, Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Department of Commerce, Market Supervision Bureau, Grain and Reserve Bureau, and municipal governments at or above the local level)

(3) Be prepared to respond to fluctuations in commodity prices. Closely monitor the dynamics and price trends of the commodity market, track and analyze the impact on the industry, timely propose comprehensive regulatory policies and measures, and promote relevant parties to do a good job in ensuring supply and stabilizing prices. (Relevant provincial units and municipal governments at or above the prefecture level shall be responsible according to their respective duties)

(4) Strengthen market expectation management. Establish and improve the expectation management system, focus on the overall price level and key commodities, and enhance the foresight and predictability of expectation management; Innovate and enrich expected management methods, interpret positive changes in market fundamentals and government measures to ensure supply and stabilize prices through various channels such as television, radio, and the internet, timely release price monitoring information, actively release positive signals, and reasonably guide market expectations. Standardize the compilation and release of price indices. (Provincial Party Committee Cyberspace Administration, Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Department of Commerce, Grain and Reserve Bureau, and Municipal People's Governments at or above the local level)

3、 Deepen the reform of energy prices

(5) Continuously deepen the reform of electricity prices. According to the principle of "opening up both ends and controlling the middle", strengthen the supervision of transmission and distribution electricity prices, and orderly promote the market-oriented reform of on grid electricity prices and sales electricity prices. Further improve the pricing mechanism for provincial power grids and incremental distribution networks, promote the resolution of cross subsidies for electricity prices in various price ranges throughout the province, and streamline the structure of transmission and distribution electricity prices. Accelerate the market-oriented reform of on grid electricity prices for coal-fired power generation, gas-fired power generation, hydropower, nuclear power, etc., orderly promote the entry of all industrial and commercial users into the market, cancel the sales price of industrial and commercial catalogs, establish a system for industrial and commercial users who have not yet directly purchased electricity from the electricity market to purchase electricity on behalf of power grid enterprises, gradually improve the market trading mechanism and rules, and actively and steadily promote the construction of the electricity spot market. Promote the improvement of the pricing mechanism for cross provincial electricity markets. Improve the tiered electricity pricing system for residents and the peak valley time of use electricity pricing policy, establish and improve the pricing mechanism for peak shaving backup power sources such as pumped storage and new energy storage. (Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Energy Bureau, Southern Supervision Bureau of National Energy Administration, and Municipal People's Governments at or above the local level)

(6) Continuously improve the green electricity pricing policy. Clarify the specific identification methods for high energy consuming and high emission industries, vigorously implement green electricity pricing policies such as differential electricity prices and tiered electricity prices, and strengthen the coordination between electricity pricing policies, industrial policies, and environmental protection policies. Continue to implement supportive electricity pricing policies to promote the development of industries such as sewage treatment, shore power, new energy vehicles, and seawater desalination. (Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Department of Industry and Information Technology, Department of Ecology and Environment, Energy Bureau, and municipal governments at or above the local level)

(7) Steadily promote the market-oriented reform of natural gas prices. Gradually establish a natural gas price formation mechanism that reflects the scarcity of resources, market supply and demand conditions, and environmental governance costs. Combining the reform process of natural gas construction and operation mechanism and price mechanism, we will improve the linkage mechanism between terminal sales prices and gas source procurement prices, and explore the promotion of market-oriented sales prices for non residential end users. Research and promote the reform of the settlement mechanism for large users. Promote fair and open infrastructure such as receiving stations and pipelines, explore the establishment of natural gas market service centers, and accelerate the formation of a diversified, moderately competitive, and reasonably priced natural gas supply pattern. (Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development, Energy Bureau, Municipal People's Governments at or above the local level)

(8) Strengthen price supervision in the gas transmission and distribution process. In line with the reform direction of "one network within the province", gradually promote the same network and price for natural gas pipeline transportation within the province, and improve the management methods for natural gas pipeline transportation prices within the province. Research and develop a pricing mechanism for imported liquefied natural gas receiving station gasification services, and reasonably determine the gasification service prices of the receiving station. Improve the management measures for urban pipeline gas distribution prices, promote the integration of urban pipeline gas supply networks, reduce gas supply levels, minimize layer by layer price increases, strictly supervise gas distribution prices, explore the classification of urban pipeline gas non residential gas distribution prices based on gas consumption, and standardize charging behavior. (Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development, Energy Bureau, Municipal People's Governments at or above the local level)

4、 Systematically promote water resource price reform

(9) Improve the water resource fee policy. All units and individuals who directly draw water resources from rivers, lakes (including reservoirs) or underground by using water intake projects or facilities in the administrative areas of our province shall pay water resources fees according to regulations, except for laws, regulations and the joint provisions of the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Water Resources, and no unit or individual is allowed to reduce or exempt water resources fees without authorization. According to the principle of full payment and collection, increase the collection of water resource fees. Optimize and adjust the water resource fee collection standards, and promote the reform of the water resource fee classification and sharing management system. Encourage localities to establish a linkage mechanism between water resource fees and water prices. (Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Department of Finance, Department of Water Resources, and Municipal People's Governments at or above the local level)

(10) Improve the pricing mechanism for water supply in water conservancy projects. Establish and improve a water pricing mechanism for water conservancy projects that promotes water resource conservation and the healthy operation of water conservancy projects, and is compatible with the investment and financing system. Scientifically determine pricing costs, reasonably determine profit levels, and dynamically adjust water supply prices for water conservancy projects. Encourage regions and projects with conditions to implement negotiated pricing between supply and demand sides, promote the signing of framework agreements between supply and demand sides in the early stage of project work, agree on intended prices and water quantities, and promote the reform of the investment and financing system and mechanism for water supply projects. (Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Water Resources Department, Municipal People's Governments at or above the local level)

(11) Accelerate the comprehensive reform of agricultural water prices. Focusing on improving the mechanism for forming agricultural water prices, promoting agricultural water conservation and sustainable development, comprehensively advancing the comprehensive reform of agricultural water prices, and ensuring the completion of various reform tasks before 2025, including: further improving the mechanism for forming agricultural water prices, strengthening cost accounting, and gradually raising agricultural water prices to full cost levels; Implement a classified and graded water pricing system, establish and improve a cumulative markup system for excessive water usage; Accelerate the improvement of supporting water supply metering facilities and achieve accurate water use metering; Improve the engineering management and protection mechanism, and establish and implement a terminal water management mechanism; Coordinate the promotion of precision subsidies and water-saving incentive mechanisms for agricultural water use, and promote the institutionalization of water-saving measures; Strictly control the total amount of agricultural water use, reasonably define water rights, explore the establishment of a water rights trading system, and leverage market forces to promote water conservation. (Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Department of Finance, Department of Water Resources, Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and Municipal People's Governments at or above the local level)

(12) Continuously deepen the reform of urban water supply prices. Establish a sound pricing mechanism and dynamic adjustment mechanism that reflects water supply costs, incentivizes the improvement of water supply quality, and promotes water conservation. Improve the management methods and cost supervision methods for urban water supply prices, and reasonably formulate urban water supply prices. Improve the tiered water pricing system for urban residents and moderately widen the price difference between different tiers; Further improve and strictly implement the progressive price increase system for non residential water usage exceeding the quota, appropriately raise the price increase standards, strictly verify the water usage quota plan, and increase the collection rate. Intensify the implementation of differential water pricing, encourage localities to expand the scope of differential water pricing implementation, refine operational methods, and raise markup standards. (Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development, Department of Water Resources, and Municipal People's Governments at or above the local level)

(13) Effectively improve the management of rural water supply prices. Rural water supply implements a system of paid use and metering fees. Each region should combine the local rural resource endowment and conditions, implement rural water supply price management according to local conditions, and reasonably determine water supply prices based on the principles of "covering costs, reasonable profits, water conservation, and fair burden". Encourage urban water supply enterprises to extend water supply to neighboring rural areas, meter reading to households, and reduce layer by layer bulk sales and price increases. Encourage regions with conditions to arrange certain financial subsidies to support engineering maintenance and upkeep. (Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Department of Finance, Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development, Department of Water Resources, Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and municipal governments at or above the local level)

(14) Continuously improve the sewage treatment fee mechanism. Based on the improvement of sewage treatment discharge standards and other factors, the charging standards will be adjusted to compensate for the costs of sewage treatment and harmless disposal of sludge at a reasonable and profitable level, and dynamic adjustments will be implemented. Promote differentiated charges for enterprise sewage discharge, and various regions can formulate differentiated charging standards based on the types, concentrations, and environmental credit ratings of the main pollutants in enterprise sewage discharge. Encourage the government to purchase services, determine the level of sewage treatment service fees through market-oriented methods such as bidding, and establish a reward and punishment mechanism for sewage treatment service fees that is linked to water quality treatment, pollutant reduction, and other factors. Encourage rural areas that have already built centralized sewage treatment facilities to explore the establishment of a farmer payment system. (Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Department of Ecology and Environment, Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development, Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and Municipal People's Governments at or above the local level)

5、 Accelerate the reform of public service prices

(15) Clean up and standardize the fees for urban water supply, power supply, and gas supply industries. Seriously implement the "Implementation Plan for Clearing and Standardizing Urban Water Supply, Power Supply, and Gas Supply Industry Fees in Guangdong Province to Promote High Quality Development of the Industry" (Yue Ban Han [2021] No. 262), scientifically define the rights and responsibilities of the government, enterprises, and users, adhere to the principle of clearing fees according to prices, clean up and cancel various unreasonable fees, accelerate the improvement of price formation mechanisms, and strictly regulate price charging behavior. (Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Department of Finance, Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development, Market Supervision Bureau, Energy Bureau, and municipal governments at or above the local level)

(16) Establish a sound charging mechanism for solid waste disposal. Combining with the marketization process of solid waste treatment, continuously improving the pricing mechanism of solid waste, and accelerating the establishment of incentive and constraint mechanisms that are conducive to promoting garbage classification, reduction, resource utilization, and harmless treatment. Improve the charging system for household waste disposal, reasonably determine the charging standards, and promote the establishment of a household waste disposal charging mechanism in established towns. Based on the classification of household waste, explore and study the implementation of differentiated management such as household waste classification and pricing, measurement and charging, and promote the measurement and charging of non residential kitchen waste. Explore the establishment of a payment system for household waste disposal. Improve the charging mechanism for hazardous waste disposal, and combine the monitoring of the entire process of hazardous waste disposal to study the relaxation of fees for the disposal of industrial hazardous waste and hazardous waste from social sources. Strengthen the management of medical waste disposal fees, improve the pricing policy for medical waste disposal, and formulate medical waste disposal fee standards based on the principles of compensating costs and reasonable profits. (Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Department of Ecology and Environment, Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development, and Municipal People's Governments at or above the local level)

(17) Deepen the reform of important transportation prices. Establish a sustainable pricing mechanism for highway vehicle tolls and comprehensively promote differentiated toll collection on highways. Improve the cost evaluation system and policy based loss subsidy system for urban public transportation, establish a scientific pricing mechanism that is compatible with the development of new business models, and reasonably formulate urban bus fares. Establish and improve a dynamic adjustment mechanism for taxi fares, establish a reasonable price comparison relationship with public transportation, study and promote pilot market-oriented reforms of taxi fares in areas with conditions, implement market regulated prices for online taxi reservations, and regulate the pricing behavior of online taxi reservations. Improve the policy of charging fees for motor vehicle parking facilities, establish a parking fee mechanism mainly determined by the market, scientifically formulate differentiated fee standards, and establish a dynamic adjustment mechanism. Implement the national port charging policy and clean up and standardize the fees charged by maritime ports. Promote the public transportation operation of intercity rail transit, encourage railway transportation enterprises to comprehensively consider factors such as transportation time, transportation routes, commuting frequency, etc., and improve the diversified fare system of intercity rail transit. (Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Department of Transport, Department of Commerce, Market Supervision Bureau, Guangdong Branch of General Administration of Customs, Guangzhou Bureau Group of China Railway Corporation, Provincial Railway Investment and Construction Company, and municipal governments at or above the local level)

(18) Improve the management mechanism of education fees. Taking into account factors such as the level of economic and social development, education and training costs, and the affordability of the public, we will reasonably determine the tuition fees (childcare and education fees), accommodation fees, and other charging standards for public schools. We will study and establish a dynamic adjustment mechanism for charging standards that is compatible with funding and assistance levels. Study and improve the pricing policy for preschool education. Improve the management of tuition fees for private compulsory education schools in our province, and strictly supervise the tuition fee standards for private compulsory education. Develop fee standards for subject based extracurricular training institutions and school after-school service or agency fee policies. Optimize and adjust the charging items and standards for education exams. Study the reform of pricing methods for teaching aids in primary and secondary schools, and simplify the pricing review process for primary and secondary school textbooks. (Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Department of Education, Department of Finance, and Municipal People's Governments at or above the local level)

(19) Improve the pricing mechanism for elderly care and funeral services. Adhere to the principle of market-oriented pricing for elderly care services, distinguish between basic and non basic elderly care service needs, improve elderly care service fee policies, and support the development of inclusive elderly care services. We will improve the policy for charging funeral services, and encourage the extension of the free policy for basic funeral services to the non registered residence population in the province. Strengthen the price management of public cemeteries. (Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Department of Civil Affairs, Department of Finance, and Municipal People's Governments at or above the local level)

(20) Improve the pricing mechanism for scenic spot tickets. Continue to promote the policy of free opening and low ticket prices for public welfare scenic spots, improve the mechanism for forming scenic spot ticket prices and related service prices, establish a government pricing scenic spot catalog list system and a regular evaluation and adjustment mechanism. Establish a sound mechanism linking the evaluation of scenic spot quality levels with the punishment of ticket price levels, and standardize the behavior of scenic spot ticket prices. (Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Municipal People's Governments at or above the local level)

(21) Improve the pricing mechanism for public legal services. Further improve the charging policies for notary services, judicial appraisal services, and arbitration services, and open up the market-oriented public legal service charging items to be formed by the market; For fee items included in government pricing (guidance pricing) management, the government pricing scope and fee standards shall be reasonably determined and dynamically adjusted in accordance with the principle of balancing social affordability and sustainable development of public legal services. Implement a list management system for public welfare notarization services closely related to people's livelihoods, and implement government guided pricing management for fee standards. Release the fees for lawyer services. Implement the policy of converting the fees charged by non administrative institutions for arbitration services into operational service fees. (Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Department of Justice, Municipal People's Governments at or above the local level)

(22) Further clean up and standardize enterprise related fees and administrative fees. Strictly implement the national and provincial policies and measures to comprehensively clean up and standardize fees, and timely and dynamically update the list of government set business service fees. Promote the cleaning up of provincial-level administrative fee items, further standardize some administrative fee policies, and enhance the sense of gain for enterprises and the public. (Relevant departments such as the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Department of Finance, and the people's governments of cities at or above the prefecture level shall be responsible according to their respective division of labor)

6、 Strengthen cost supervision and price determination work

(23) Strengthen cost supervision and review. Adhere to cost monitoring as an important procedure for the government to formulate and adjust prices, develop and improve cost monitoring methods and operating procedures for different industries, and explore the establishment of a standard cost system. Improve the cost investigation system for agricultural products and strengthen the investigation of the production, supply, storage, and sales costs of important livelihood commodities. Organize cost monitoring and review in key areas such as power transmission and distribution, natural gas pipeline transportation, water supply, gas supply, sewage treatment, and education fees. Strengthen the role of cost supervision and restraint, and gradually introduce cost incentive mechanisms. (Development and reform departments at all levels, in conjunction with relevant departments, are responsible for)

(24) Strengthen price determination work. We will do a good job in determining prices for suspected violations of discipline and law, suspected criminal cases, and administrative matters, and fully leverage the role of price determination in safeguarding party discipline, fair justice, and lawful administration. Promote the mediation of price disputes and explore the establishment of a working mechanism that links administrative mediation, people's mediation, industry-specific professional mediation, and judicial mediation for price disputes. (Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Department of Justice, Municipal People's Governments at or above the local level)

7、 Ensure organizational support

(25) Strengthen the overall planning of reform. Comprehensively deepening the reform of the pricing mechanism during the 14th Five Year Plan period involves a wide range of aspects and heavy tasks. Development and reform departments at all levels should take the lead in implementing the main responsibilities of the reform, formulate specific plans or schedules for local price reform based on actual conditions, clarify the timetable, roadmap, and responsible persons for reforms in various fields, make overall plans, comprehensively implement policies, actively promote policy coordination and interpretation, strengthen departmental coordination and top-down linkage, form a working force, and ensure the smooth introduction of various reform plans. (Development and reform departments at all levels, in conjunction with relevant departments, are responsible for)

(26) Cover the bottom line of people's livelihood. When implementing price mechanism reforms related to people's livelihood, especially when major price reform policies are introduced, it is necessary to grasp the timing and intensity of the reform, fully study and demonstrate the social affordability, especially for the impact of the reform on the lives of low-income groups, conduct risk assessments, and improve supporting livelihood security measures. Timely activate the linkage mechanism between social assistance and security standards and price increases, effectively ensuring the basic livelihood of disadvantaged groups. (Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Department of Civil Affairs, Department of Finance, Department of Human Resources and Social Security, Department of Veterans Affairs, Guangdong Survey Team of National Bureau of Statistics, and Municipal People's Governments at or above the local level)

(27) Improve the rule of law on pricing. Track and evaluate the implementation of price regulations and policies, promptly clean up and abolish policy documents that do not comply with laws and regulations and are not suitable for the reform situation, and promote the institutionalization of price management mechanisms. Dynamically evaluate and revise pricing catalogs in a timely manner, and improve management systems such as cost supervision and price monitoring. (Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Department of Justice, Municipal People's Governments at or above the local level)

(28) Strengthen capacity building. Intensify the construction of teams for cost supervision and investigation, price monitoring, and price determination, strengthen political theory learning, and actively carry out professional training. Fully utilize third-party forces to promote the establishment of research bases related to price regulation in universities and research institutions, and strengthen research on major issues, basic theories, and forward-looking policies in the field of pricing. (Development and Reform Departments at All Levels)