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Shanghai: Carry out key inspections on the compliance of energy storage sites with regulatory requirements for new energy risk management, such as electrochemical energy storage power stations and hyd

On December 10th, the Office of the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Work Safety issued a notice on strengthening the prevention and control of winter and spring fires in this city, which proposed to carry out risk management of new energy such as electrochemical energy storage power stations and hydrogen energy stations. Each district should further investigate and update the inventory of such places, organize departmental consultations and special supervision, and focus on checking whether the locations of electrochemical energy storage power stations meet the regulatory requirements. It is strictly prohibited to set them in densely populated, high-rise underground, flammable and explosive places; Hydrogen energy stations should be inspected and evaluated, and those with significant hidden dangers should be lawfully suspended or relocated.

Notice from the Office of the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Work Safety on Strengthening Fire Prevention and Control in Winter and Spring in the City

Hu'an Committee Office [2021] No. 43

Each member unit of the district safety committee and the municipal safety committee:

The winter and spring seasons have always been a period of high incidence and frequent occurrence of fires. According to statistics, there have been a total of 27627 fires in this city in the past five years, resulting in 219 deaths and 219 injuries. Among them, there were 12987 fires in winter and spring, causing 110 deaths and 109 injuries, accounting for 47.0% of the total number of incidents, 50.2% of deaths, and 49.8% of injuries, respectively, which is significantly higher than other seasons. This year, affected by the "La Ni ñ a" phenomenon, the overall temperature in winter and spring is relatively low, and there is a high possibility of extreme weather. Heating with fire and electricity will increase significantly. In addition, various traditional festivals and promotional activities at the end of the year are frequent, and the flow of people and goods is highly dense. Moreover, the impact of rising energy prices on economic activities is intertwined with various fire safety risks and epidemic prevention and control risks, and the overall situation is not optimistic. In order to effectively prevent and resolutely curb major fire accidents, ensure the stability of the city's fire situation during winter and spring, and in accordance with the requirements of the "Notice of the State Council Work Safety Committee Office on Strengthening Winter and Spring Fire Prevention and Control Work" (Work Safety Committee Office [2021] No. 8), it is decided to organize and carry out winter and spring fire prevention and control work from November 2021 to the end of March 2022. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows.

1、 Work objectives

2、 Key tasks

(1) Fully enhance the level of fire prevention and control in high-risk areas

1. Promote the construction of large-scale commercial complexes that meet standards. According to the "Work Plan for the Construction of Fire Safety Management Standards for Large Commercial Complex in the City" (Shanghai Consumer Special Committee [2021] No. 10) and the deployment requirements of the city's standard creation site meeting, we will comprehensively utilize measures such as strengthening professional teams, deepening expert inspections, strengthening line supervision, and enhancing departmental linkage to urge responsible units to conduct self-examination and self correction in accordance with risk guidelines and creation requirements, achieve standardized daily fire management, accurate risk and hidden danger investigation, and rapid initial fire disposal. By the end of 2021, large-scale commercial complexes with an area of over 50000 square meters in each district will fully complete the fire safety management standard evaluation task; For those who fail to meet the evaluation standards, we should strengthen assistance and guidance, track problem rectification, improve management level, and strive to achieve all evaluation standards by the end of 2021; Simultaneously promote the launch of the 2022 standard creation work for 24 newly opened complexes and complexes with an area of 30000 square meters or more and 50000 square meters or less. By the end of 2021, it is necessary to promote the completion of the Internet of Things integration of fire protection facilities in large-scale commercial complexes with an area of over 50000 square meters, and initiate the integration of other complexes.

2. Promote comprehensive improvement of fire safety in high-rise buildings. The departments of housing and urban-rural development, public security, housing management, emergency management, fire protection, etc. in the city should strengthen consultation and judgment, jointly formulate a comprehensive plan for the renovation of high-rise buildings, focus on rectifying problems such as the occupation and blockage of evacuation routes, the paralysis and suspension of fire-fighting facilities, as well as chaotic fire safety management, incomplete emergency response plans, weak response and disposal capabilities, and increase policy research and supervision guidance on the rectification of unauthorized changes in the nature of use, external wall insulation, pipeline blockage and other issues. Each district should organize classified inspections of high-rise residential buildings, commercial offices, and mixed use high-rise buildings, and establish a dynamically updated and departmental shared information database based on the "One Network Management" platform. By the end of 2021, property management units, commercial property owners, and business responsibility entities will be mobilized to conduct self inspection and self correction of fire safety, and local streets and towns will compile and establish two lists of hidden dangers and rectification responsibilities; Relevant departments in each district and local streets and towns should conduct spot checks and verifications on self-examination and self correction situations, promote the implementation of rectification by responsible parties, and for those that are difficult to rectify, request the district government to conduct special research and solutions; To promote the completion of the Internet of Things integration of fire protection facilities in super high-rise public buildings and initiate the integration of other public high-rise buildings.

3. Strengthen fire safety management in densely populated areas. Governments at all levels and relevant departments should strengthen inspections of fire safety management and self inspection and self correction in densely populated areas, and organize staggered night inspections during key periods. Each district and department should organize training for fire safety responsible persons and managers in densely populated places such as hotels, commercial markets, restaurants, public entertainment, hospitals and schools, cultural and religious institutions, social welfare institutions, etc., urge units to organize internal training, strengthen fire risk identification and self inspection and self correction of hidden dangers. We need to promote the establishment of a standardized management system for fire safety in densely populated areas, with a complete fire safety management framework, a sound fire safety management system, and full coverage of fire safety job responsibilities. To strengthen the implementation of special management measures, due to the need for epidemic prevention and control, temporary closure of safety exits, isolation points of evacuation routes, hospitals, commercial markets and other places should be carried out. Targeted emergency plans should be formulated, and safety exits should not be closed in the form of stacking or locking; Various catering enterprises that use gas, especially those located in key places such as large commercial complexes and school enterprise canteens, should accelerate the installation of combustible gas alarm devices; Universities and research institutes should establish and improve laboratory safety management systems, clarify the management personnel and specific responsibilities for the storage, use, and disposal of hazardous chemicals; Indoor ice and snow areas must strictly prohibit the use of flammable and combustible insulation materials, strictly lay and inspect electrical circuits, strengthen facility and equipment inspections, and strictly prevent "risky operations".

(2) Deepen the comprehensive management of fire safety in key areas

1. Deepen the special rectification of electric bicycles. Each district and department should conscientiously implement the "Implementation Opinions on Deepening the Comprehensive Management of Fire Safety for Electric Bicycles in this City" (Hu Xiao [2021] No. 200) jointly issued by 15 departments, closely monitor the admission, sales, use, scrapping, supervision and other aspects of electric bicycles and their batteries, refine and formulate various management systems and rectification plans, and improve various guarantee mechanisms. We need to focus on investigating and punishing a group of illegal activities such as the installation, modification, and unauthorized parking and charging of electric bicycles for commercial purposes. We will establish a coordinated mechanism for handling administrative penalty cases and investigating fire accidents, strengthen the tracing of production, sales, and installation of excessive batteries, and investigate criminal responsibility for those involved in crimes in accordance with the law. We need to promote the establishment of strict fire safety management standards for electric bicycles in express delivery and food delivery enterprises, and improve the management system for employees, vehicles and batteries, as well as operating and accommodation venues. We need to promote the introduction of safeguard measures and accelerate the construction of charging and swapping stations and facilities in residential areas, non motorized vehicle parking spots on roads, commercial buildings, and commercial outlets.

2. Deepen the special action on fire safety in factory buildings and warehouses. Each district should deeply learn from the lessons of the "4.22" incident in Jinshan District and the fire accidents in the city's factories and warehouses during the National Day holiday. They should organize an analysis and judgment of the special action for factories and warehouses, focus on the problems of incomplete investigation mechanisms, incomplete bottom line lists, and inadequate rectification measures, and further improve the work mechanisms of segmented responsibility, designated personnel and responsibilities, joint supervision, and hidden danger reporting. They should establish a work system of supervision, spot checks, interviews, and notifications at the district level to ensure that the work tasks are fully implemented in the streets and towns. Each district should conduct in-depth investigations and research on various safety issues exposed during the rental and renovation of factory buildings, improve the system of source control, dynamic supervision, and supervision and review according to local conditions, organize and carry out business training for grassroots regulatory forces, closely rely on experts or third-party professional forces to make up for the lack of regulatory strength and capabilities, revise and improve inspection and rectification standards, and effectively strengthen the prevention and control of various risks and hidden dangers.

3. Deepen the special rectification of major hazardous source enterprises for hazardous chemicals. Continuously carry out special supervision and verification of safety risks in major hazard source enterprises and oil and gas storage bases for hazardous chemicals, and conduct a "look back" on the hidden dangers discovered during the preliminary inspection. By the end of 2021, more than 70% of petrochemical enterprises will be urged to complete the renovation of old fire-fighting facilities, implement winter antifreeze protection for production equipment and fire-fighting facilities, upgrade and formulate major safety risk control measures, strengthen the enterprise's process disposal team and full-time fire-fighting team, and enhance emergency response capabilities.

(3) Proactively prevent fire safety risks in new business models and fields

1. Strengthen the investigation of hidden dangers in new business formats such as escape rooms and murder mystery scenes. The relevant departments of the city's public security, housing and urban-rural development, cultural tourism, fire protection, etc. should thoroughly publicize the fire risk guidelines and inspection guidelines for escape rooms, establish and improve the joint supervision work mode, strictly implement relevant systems such as industry filing, construction project fire design review and acceptance, increase special inspection efforts, guide units to independently carry out fire risk self-awareness, self-examination and self correction, strictly prohibit the illegal use of flammable and combustible materials for decoration and renovation, illegal use of fire, electricity and gas, maintain the integrity and effectiveness of fire protection facilities, and ensure the implementation of personnel evacuation measures.

2. Carry out risk management for new energy sources such as electrochemical energy storage power stations and hydrogen energy stations. Each district should further investigate and update the inventory of such places, organize departmental consultations and special supervision, and focus on checking whether the locations of electrochemical energy storage power stations meet the regulatory requirements. It is strictly prohibited to set them in densely populated, high-rise underground, flammable and explosive places; Hydrogen energy stations should be inspected and evaluated, and those with significant hidden dangers should be lawfully suspended or relocated. We should urge and guide enterprises to carry out professional skills training in safe operation, fault handling, risk prediction, and emergency response, and enhance their ability to prevent and resolve risks.

3. Promote the safety management of new industries such as artificial intelligence, biomedicine, and semiconductors. Relevant departments should strengthen source control, strictly implement the system of fire safety design review and expert argumentation, and enhance the level of intrinsic safety. We need to classify and promote the development of risk identification and prevention guidelines, supervise and guide enterprises to implement risk prevention and control measures. For those with unreasonable production process layout, inadequate protection of automatic fire-fighting facilities, and significant risks in production equipment and environmental protection devices, we will conduct special research on rectification plans and implement prevention and emergency response measures during the rectification period.

(4) Effectively curb fatal fire accidents in small units and places

1. Strengthen the construction of grassroots forces. Each district should thoroughly implement the "Guiding Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of Grassroots Firefighting Forces and Fire Prevention and Control Work" (Emergency Consumption [2021] No. 187), promote the establishment of street and town level fire safety committees, clarify the leading role of main leaders, and further strengthen local fire safety responsibilities.   Fire rescue agencies at all levels should strengthen typical tree cultivation and business guidance, configure visual dispatch terminals, establish joint operations and coordination mechanisms, and improve the ability to quickly respond to and handle initial fires.

2. Increase regulatory inspection efforts. Each district should fully mobilize grassroots supervision and grid forces to carry out hidden danger investigation in accordance with the "Guiding Opinions on Strengthening Comprehensive Management of Grassroots Fire Safety" (Hu Xiao [2020] No. 166), clarify the scope and responsibilities of inspection personnel and supervision, unify inspection focus and standards, and increase supervision of nine small places, residential communities, and self built rental houses in rural areas. Each district should solidly promote the task of fire safety inspection and rectification of rural self built houses for production, operation or large-scale leasing in accordance with the requirements of the city's rural housing safety hazard investigation and rectification work, supervise the implementation of fire safety management personnel, and formulate fire safety management systems. Governments at all levels should promote the improvement of fire safety conditions by combining government beneficial renovation and practical projects to address issues such as aging electrical circuits, lack of fire-fighting facilities, and insufficient fire-fighting water sources found during inspections in old residential areas.

3. Deepen fire safety publicity and education. Each district and department should organize and mobilize grassroots grid forces, property service enterprises, and volunteers to carry out a "knock on the door action", promote fire safety knowledge at home, and enhance the public's awareness of safety precautions. We should focus on residential areas for special groups such as the elderly, continue to carry out neighborhood watch, assistance and care actions, and promote the establishment of community safety evacuation and mutual assistance mechanisms in emergency situations. We should organize and carry out winter and spring fire safety publicity and education activities, mobilize units and communities to carry out fire evacuation drills, guide the masses to develop the habit of "three clearances and three passes" (clearing combustible debris in corridors, balconies, and kitchens, and turning off power, fire sources, and gas sources when leaving home), and consciously participate in the investigation and rectification of fire hazards around them.

(5) Coordinate and ensure fire safety during major events and important festivals

1. Strengthen the fire and security responsibilities for major events. During major events such as the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympics, the National "Two Sessions", and the Shanghai "Two Sessions", all units should firmly establish the concept of "one game of chess", improve the level of fire prevention, strictly implement security measures, focus on key areas, important venues, and areas prone to fire, strengthen patrol and control, strengthen responsibility measures, and build a solid safety barrier.

2. Implement safety precautions for important holidays. In view of the characteristics of important festivals such as New Year's Day, the Spring Festival and the Yuanxiao (Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival) Festival, it is necessary to strengthen social investigation and rectification, organize and carry out inspection led by leaders, joint supervision of industry departments, special inspection, night inspection at wrong time, and widely carry out prompt and warning fire protection publicity. We should closely monitor the fireworks display, temporary facility construction, and worship and prayer activities, strengthen on-site supervision and patrols at key times and locations, coordinate the implementation of safety precautions, and efficiently respond to various fire hazards.

3、 Time steps

(1) Deployment and launch phase (before mid December 2021). The safety committees of each district supervise and guide the fire (professional) committees to formulate and issue plans, hold meetings, and mobilize and deploy extensively.

(2) Organizational implementation phase (December 2021 to March 2022). Each district, relevant department and unit shall carefully organize and implement the work plan, regularly analyze and dispatch, strengthen inspection and supervision, and strictly implement responsibility measures from a detailed and practical perspective.

(3) Summary acceptance stage (end of March 2022). Each district organizes inspections and acceptance, conscientiously summarizes work, solidifies experience and practices, and improves the dual prevention mechanism of fire safety risk grading control and hidden danger investigation.

4、 Job requirements

(1) Strengthen organizational leadership. Each district and department should further strengthen the concept of safe development, enhance risk awareness, adhere to bottom line thinking, and organize and implement winter and spring fire prevention and control work at all levels. We need to strengthen command and dispatch, regularly consult and analyze, organize interviews and reminders, and solve major fire safety issues. We need to improve the working mechanism, clarify the division of responsibilities, list a "timetable, roadmap, task list", accurately "set tasks, time, and requirements", implement situation analysis, report letters, warning prompts, and other work, achieve orderly implementation, hierarchical promotion, and strive for practical results.

(2) Implement comprehensive rectification. Each district should promote relevant industry departments to establish and improve mechanisms for information sharing, situation reporting, joint law enforcement, etc., supervise units to implement the management system of self-awareness, self-examination, self correction, and public commitment of fire safety risks and hidden dangers, and actively accept social supervision. Organize a comprehensive safety inspection of the industry system, track and supervise the rectification of hidden dangers, improve the reward based reporting mechanism, mobilize the public to report and rectify fire hazards and fire violations around them, and comprehensively enhance the level of fire supervision.

(3) Strict supervision and law enforcement. All levels of government departments should increase their supervision and inspection efforts, highlight precise law enforcement, and achieve full coverage of high-risk areas and workplaces. Grasp the key few of the main responsible persons of the unit and verify the implementation of the statutory responsibilities for fire safety. Take measures such as sealing, fines, detention, and closure in accordance with the law for illegal activities and fire hazards discovered; For those suspected of committing crimes, promote the connection of execution and pursue criminal responsibility in accordance with the law; For those who fail to change their behavior despite repeated penalties and prohibitions, they will be included in the serious breach of trust in fire safety and subjected to joint punishment.

(4) Serious supervision and accountability. Incorporate the prevention and control of winter and spring fires into the annual safety production and fire prevention inspections and assessments of the city and district governments, strengthen supervision and reporting, and hold talks with the responsible persons of areas, departments, and state-owned group companies that have not implemented their work or achieved significant results, to urge the implementation of rectification measures. For major and above fatal fire accidents, relevant units and personnel shall be strictly held accountable in accordance with laws and regulations.

Each district's safety committee should supervise the Fire (Professional) Committee and member units of the Municipal Safety Committee to implement a dedicated person to carry out the situation reporting work. Before December 13, 2021, they should submit the mobilization and deployment of winter and spring fire prevention and control work, winter and spring fire prevention and control plans, and contact person information to the Municipal Fire Rescue Corps; On the 25th day of each month starting from December, submit the work situation, experience and practices, and typical cases of the current month; Submit a work summary before March 31, 2022.