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Common wrong ways to operate a generator set

When it comes to diesel generator set, I believe we must be very familiar with it. It is a common emergency power generation equipment in our lives. Its power generation efficiency is high, the operation is simple, the use of life is long, but now many people in the process of using it there are many fault operation methods, will affect the use of diesel generator set. So the following sums up 11 kinds of fault operation methods of diesel generator set.

(1) After cold start, the machine is not warm with load operation

When the diesel engine cooler starts, because the oil viscosity is large and the fluidity is poor, it is the lack of oil supply to the oil pump. The machine resistance surface is poor lubrication due to the lack of oil, which forms sharp wear, and even produces the shortcomings of pulling cylinder and burning tile. Therefore, the diesel engine cooling start should idle operation temperature, when the oil temperature reaches more than 40℃ and then work with load; The machine should start with a low speed gear, and trek for a distance in each gear step by step, until the oil temperature is normal and the oil supply is sufficient, it can turn into a normal trek.

(2) Diesel engines operate when oil is scarce

At this time, the lack of oil supply will constitute the lack of oil supply on the surface of each conflict, leading to abnormal wear or burn. To this end, the machine before starting and diesel engine operation process to ensure that the oil meet, to prevent the lack of oil caused by pulling cylinder, burning tile shortcomings.

(3) Stop immediately after sudden stop with load or sudden discharge of load

After diesel engine flameout cooling system water circulation stops, cooling ability drops sharply, hot parts lose cooling, easy to form the cylinder head, cylinder liner, cylinder block and other parts overheating, crack, or excessive expansion of the piston stuck in the cylinder liner. On the other hand, diesel engine stop without idling cooling, will make the conflict surface lack of oil, when the diesel engine starts again due to poor lubrication and aggravated wear. Therefore, the diesel engine should be unloaded before flameout, and gradually reduce the speed, no-load operation for a few minutes.

(4) The diesel engine starts abruptly after cold start

If the throttle, the diesel engine speed rises sharply, will constitute some of the friction surface of the machine due to dry friction and severe wear. In addition, the piston, connecting rod and crankshaft handling force change, cause violent impact, easy to damage parts.

(5) In the absence of cooling water or cooling water, oil temperature is too high in the case of operation

The lack of cooling water of diesel engine will decrease its cooling effect, and the diesel engine will overheat because it can not get useful cooling. Cooling water, oil temperature is too high, will also cause diesel engine overheating. At this time, the cylinder head, cylinder liner, piston assembly and valve and other primary heating load, the mechanical properties such as strength, toughness and other sharp decline, so that the deformation of parts increase, reduce the cooperation between the parts of the open space, accelerate the wear of parts, severe will also produce cracks, parts stuck shortcomings. Cooling water, oil temperature is too high will accelerate oil aging disintegration and burn, and oil viscosity decline, cylinder and piston and the first resistance of the condition lubrication conditions deteriorate, produce abnormal wear. Diesel engine overheating will also worsen the diesel engine combustion process, so that the fuel injector operation is abnormal, poor atomization, carbon accumulation.

(6) Operating under the condition of low temperature of cooling water and oil

In the process of diesel engine operation, the temperature of cooling water is too low, and the temperature of cylinder wall decreases accordingly. The water vapor generated by combustion condenses into water droplets, and contacts with the waste gas to generate acidic substances, which adhere to the cylinder wall and produce corrosion and wear. Practice has proved that the diesel engine is often used in the cooling water temperature of 40℃~50℃, its parts wear than the normal operating temperature (85℃ ~ 95℃) is several times larger. At this time, when the water temperature is too low in the cylinder temperature is low, the diesel engine ignition delay period extension, once on fire, the pressure rises rapidly, the diesel engine fuel rough, easy to constitute the mechanical damage of parts. Diesel engine for a long time in the state of cooling water low temperature operation, the open space between the piston and the cylinder liner is large, has produced cylinder knocking phenomenon, and vibration, so that the cylinder liner cavitation. The oil temperature is too low, the oil viscosity is large, the fluidity is poor, the lubricating part is short of oil, the lubrication is poor, the friction wear increases, and the service life of the diesel engine is shortened.

(7) in the case of low oil pressure operation

If the oil pressure is too low, the lubrication system can not carry out normal oil circulation and pressure lubrication, and the lubricating parts can not meet the oil. Therefore, the machine in the process of trek, should pay attention to inquire oil pressure gauge or oil pressure indicator. If the oil pressure is found to be lower than the regular pressure, it is necessary to stop immediately and continue to trek after cleaning the shortcomings.

(8) Machine overspeed, overload trek

Such as the machine severe overspeed, overload trek, diesel engine will be in the load is too large, the speed is too high operation, easy to constitute the operation rough, cylinder liner, piston, connecting rod and so on bear the heat load and mechanical load increase, easy to produce cylinder, burning watts and other shortcomings. Often overload operation, constitute a long time of rough combustion in the cylinder, simple damage to the cylinder pad.

(9) Blast the throttle before flameout

The diesel engine with high speed operation assumes sudden stop operation, its huge inertia will cause the parts of crank connecting rod arrangement and valve arrangement to be damaged and shorten the service life. Together, the blast throttle is due to excessive fuel into the cylinder without complete combustion and flow down the cylinder wall, diluting the lubricating oil. In addition, it will also make the piston, valve and combustion chamber carbon accumulation significantly increased, causing nozzle obstruction and piston stuck.

(10) abrupt addition of cooling water when temperature of diesel engine is too high

If you add cooling water suddenly in the diesel engine overheating condition, will make the cylinder head, cylinder liner, cylinder block due to hot and cold drastic changes and crack. Therefore, when the temperature of the diesel engine is too high, the load should be removed first, the speed should be increased slightly, the diesel engine will be turned off after the water temperature drops, the water radiator cap is loosened, and the water vapor is cleaned. If necessary, cool water can be slowly injected into the water radiator.

(11) Idle operation for a long time

Diesel engine idle, lubricating oil pressure is low, the top of the piston injection cooling effect is poor, resulting in a sharp increase in wear, simple pull cylinder; It can also constitute poor atomization, incomplete combustion, severe carbon accumulation, and sometimes even lead to valve and piston ring stuck, cylinder liner cavitation. For this reason, some diesel engine operation manual clear rules, diesel engine idle operation time shall not exceed 15 ~ 20min.


Jiangsu Meao Power Technology Co., Ltd. is an important manufacturer of diesel generators. The company mainly manufactures and sells diesel generator sets with power of 3-3000kW, mobile power station of 24-600kW, Marine emergency diesel generator set of 24-800kW, gas generator set, heavy oil generator set and all kinds of imported series, special series (trailer, static speaker, mobile lighthouse, container, etc.) diesel generator At the same time, we are engaged in generator set maintenance and after-sale service of generator set accessories.