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Cummins generator oil pressure is too low reasons

Generator in use of time brought us a lot of convenience, when we are in the use of generators will always appear all sorts of problems, problems have brought us a lot of trouble, generator oil pressure too low is one of the frequent problems, today to introduce to you about generator rent the cause of the oil pressure decrease.

1. The oil output of the oil pump is insufficient. The oil pump of the generator rental group has two kinds: gear pump and rotor pump.

Some gear pump, the pump cover and pump body joint surface roughness is very low, the original design without gasket, if the maintenance of another paper pad, will increase the gear end clearance, but will reduce the amount of oil pump. However, there is a gasket at the joint surface of the pump and the cylinder body. If it is leaked, the pressure oil from the oil pump will leak outward, resulting in a drop in oil pressure.

Some rotor pump, the rotor side has chamfering, the other side has no chamfering, if the reverse, the amount of oil can be reduced by 40% to 60%. In addition, the radial and end clearance of the gear or rotor is too large because of wear and tear, which will lead to the reduction of the oil output of the pump and the adverse consequences of oil pressure drop. The repaired oil pump should be put on the test bench to adjust the opening pressure of the pressure limiting valve to keep it between 0.5-0.7MPa.

If the pressure is too high, it will accelerate the wear of the oil pump; If the pressure is too low, the pressure in the main oil passage will drop. When installing the oil pump, it should be filled with oil first, so as to avoid the air in the pump and can not absorb the oil. The connection between the oil pump and the oil absorption pan must be sealed. If the air leakage will also reduce the oil output of the oil pump.

2. When the oil filter is blocked and the oil cannot pass smoothly, the safety valve on the base of the filter will be pushed open, so that the oil enters the main oil channel directly without filtering.

But if the opening pressure of the safety valve is too high and cannot be opened in time, it will increase the oil pump leakage, and reduce the amount of oil supply to the main oil channel, and the oil pressure will decrease. The oil filter should be maintained on time, and the opening pressure of the safety valve should be adjusted correctly to 0.35-0.45MPa.

In addition, if the safety valve spring aging, the valve seat and the ball is not strictly closed, the oil will leak a lot, and cause the oil pan oil foaming, at this time out dipstick can see the oil covered with foam.

3. Return valve damage if the main oil channel return valve spring fatigue softening or improper adjustment, valve seat and steel ball with the surface wear or be stuck by dirt and closed loosely, the amount of return oil will increase significantly, the oil pressure of the main oil channel also decreases.

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Jiangsu Meiao Power Technology Co., Ltd. is an important manufacturer of diesel generators. The company mainly manufactures and sells diesel generator sets with power of 3-3000kW, mobile power station of 24-600kW, Marine emergency diesel generator set of 24-800kW, gas generator set, heavy oil generator set and all kinds of imported series, special series (trailer, static speaker, mobile lighthouse, container, etc.) diesel generator At the same time, we are engaged in generator set maintenance and after-sale service of generator set accessories.