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How to reduce the fuel consumption of Perkins diesel generator

First, the valve guide wear is serious will burn the generator oil situation is rare, but according to the introduction of relevant information, is also a reason not to be ignored.

Two,normal wear and tear caused by long-term use of the engine or improper maintenance will make the cylinder liner of the generator form longitudinal stretch marks, cylinder diameter and piston side clearance exceed the specified value, so that the support of the piston ring decreases correspondingly, and the phenomenon of unclean oil scraping occurs. Or because the inner support twisted spring in the oil ring is disconnected at the opening position of the oil ring, the oil scraping is not clean and participate in combustion, resulting in serious oil consumption symptoms, which are manifested as the difficulty of starting the generator, serious oil injection of the breathing apparatus, and obvious blue smoke emerging from the exhaust pipe. Moreover, the piston should be up on one side, in the assembly due to the direction of inversion to make the combustion chamber form an inverted state, although it will not affect the start of the generator, but the loss of oil will be quite serious, daily fuel consumption in about 0.5 kg.

Three, when the oil consumption of Wuhan generator is too much, we should first check whether there is oil leakage at the connection between the body and the gear chamber cover, the back cover on the side of the running wheel, the large plate and the cover. In case of oil leakage, pay attention to whether the sealing gasket of each connection is complete, and replace the damaged sealing gasket. If the sealing pad is complete, check whether the connecting screws of each part are loose. Screw loose bolts with a wrench to the specified torque. If part of the above basic normal, and the oil spill in the rack position, oil casing inspection, inspection area mainly in side of the oil with road wheel shell side of the front end, because of mounting screw loosening, oil road wheel under the triangle drive and protection shell frame Angle cause long-term brush touch, grinding oil casing through forming gap and oil generation.

The serious wear and tear of the generator compression system, the damage of the sealing pad at each connection of the body, the wrong assembly of the piston, and the damage of the side wall of the oil shell are the reasons for excessive oil consumption.

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Jiangsu Meiao Power Technology Co., Ltd. is an important manufacturer of diesel generators. The company mainly manufactures and sells diesel generator sets with power of 3-3000kW, mobile power station of 24-600kW, Marine emergency diesel generator set of 24-800kW, gas generator set, heavy oil generator set and all kinds of imported series, special series (trailer, static speaker, mobile lighthouse, container, etc.) diesel generator At the same time, we are engaged in generator set maintenance and after-sale service of generator set accessories.