Industry news

Why can diesel generators become the first choice of power equipment for many enterprises?

Over the past few decades, technology has advanced by leaps and bounds across industries, giving us access to some truly amazing devices. However, as these technologies continue to advance and innovate, one problem has become apparent -- our devices are increasingly dependent on electricity.

If we lose power, our business will fall back sharply, and we dare not do business! For this reason, any company that wants to keep its business from being disrupted by power cuts or blackouts on the grid has plenty of backup power, most reliably diesel generators. So why are diesel generators the first choice of backup power for many businesses?

1. Limit the impact of power rationing or blackouts on the grid

Nowadays, no matter in the north or the south, "power shortage" has become a big problem for enterprises to use electricity. The supply of power grid cannot be guaranteed to be permanent and stable. In case of natural disasters caused by force majeure, the power failure may last for several days or even longer, or due to power shortage, peak demand, or other reasons, the power restriction or power failure may occur. All of them affect enterprises to varying degrees, and may even lead to the absence of electricity, production and operation shutdown. If you have a backup power supply, and the backup power generator uses diesel fuel, your business will have a stable and continuous power supply, regardless of weather conditions, or power cuts or power outages in the grid, so that the business can operate normally at all times without power outages.

2. Backup diesel generator gives you peace of mind

For many companies, this is one of the main reasons to invest in backup diesel generators. As a company, you are likely to rely on electricity to continue operating. If a power outage occurs, it can be very difficult to proceed and may cause you to lose a large number of customers. This problem will be a thing of the past when you invest in backup diesel generators because diesel engineering is guaranteed not to let you down.

3. Secure more digital devices

In modern times, no matter what industry enterprises, are more dependent on electronic equipment. Although electronic devices can make operation more efficient and effective, they also have the fatal disadvantage of relying heavily on a stable power source. For example, if your computer suddenly loses power while you are working, you may lose important data. Thankfully, however, installing a backup power solution will ensure that your equipment continues to function.

4. Extremely efficient and effective

One of the first things you'll see when you buy a diesel generator is how quickly they fill the gaps associated with electricity. If your regular power supply suddenly loses power, the diesel generator seamlessly transitions into place, which means you'll barely notice the outage.


Jiangsu Meao Power Technology Co., Ltd. is an important manufacturer of diesel generators. The company mainly manufactures and sells diesel generator sets with power of 3-3000kW, mobile power station of 24-600kW, Marine emergency diesel generator set of 24-800kW, gas generator set, heavy oil generator set and all kinds of imported series, special series (trailer, static speaker, mobile lighthouse, container, etc.) diesel generator At the same time, we are engaged in generator set maintenance and after-sale service of generator set accessories.