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Cummins diesel generator air discharge method and ground reason

Diesel generator set in the process of use will appear a variety of problems, understanding the cause of the problem can layout users quickly solve the problem. For example, there is air in the body pipeline. At this time, the user needs to exhaust the air. It is very important to master the proper method.

One. Diesel generator air discharge method

Generally speaking, if you encounter difficulties in starting the generator set, or maintain it soon after starting and flameout, it can be inferred that the oil circuit is mixed with air, and the oil circuit air will bring no small obstacle to the operation, resulting in the generator set is difficult to start or flameout at every turn. Then clear the air in time to return to normal.

There are several common problems and solutions:

1. If you do not loosen the wrench of the joint in the pipeline, you can press the oil pump repeatedly until the pressure of the low pressure oil line in the section from the transmission pump to the injection pump is high enough, the fuel will flow into the fuel return oil line from the relief valve, and the gas in the oil line will be discharged from the relief valve.

2. If the air in the oil pipeline needs to be eliminated on the way, you can first loosen the vent screw on the injection pump or loosen any of the joints between the diesel filter and the injection pump, and then drive the mechanical oil pump by starting. The leak point will spray out smooth and no bubbles of fuel, then tighten the above leak point you loosen.

3. If the trailer generator does not have the right driver or wrench to open the bleed screw on the fuel injection pump during the drive, it can first unscrew the hand oil pump and then loosen any of the pipe joints between the diesel filter and the fuel injection pump. Then it can be done by repeatedly pressing the hand oil pump until the unobtrated oil flow is discharged from the joint, and then tighten the joint while pressing the hand oil pump. Then press the hand oil pump snap back to the original position.

4. Use a driver or wrench to unscrew several turns of any exhaust screw at the upper end of both sides of the injection pump, and press the manual oil pump by hand until the discharged diesel is continuous, unobpatted and without bubbles, and the sound of "squeaking" is emitted. Then screw off the bleed screw and manually press the oil pump press back to the original position.

Two. Reasons for grounding the generator set

1. Reduce electric shock voltage. Generator set For an ungrounded neutral system, when one phase is connected to the ground and the human body touches one of the other two phases, the shock voltage is 1 of the phase voltage. More than 7 times; For neutral ground systems, the shock voltage drops to close to or equal to the phase voltage.

2, quickly cut off the faulty equipment. For the system with ungrounded neutral point, when a phase is connected to the ground, the capacitor and insulation resistance exist between the wire and the ground, which can form a current path. The grounding current is too small to make the protection device operate and cut off the power supply, which cannot ensure personal safety. For the neutral grounding system, when the ground current after a phase contact is large, the protection device will quickly act, disconnect the fault point.

3. Reduce the insulation level of electrical equipment to the ground. In a neutral ungrounded system, when one phase touches the ground, the ground voltage of the other two phases will be raised to the line voltage. For the neutral ground system, when one phase is connected to the ground, the voltage of the other two phases is only close to the phase voltage, so the insulation level of electrical equipment and transmission line can be reduced.


Jiangsu Meao Power Technology Co., Ltd. is an important manufacturer of diesel generators. The company mainly manufactures and sells diesel generator sets with power of 3-3000kW, mobile power station of 24-600kW, Marine emergency diesel generator set of 24-800kW, gas generator set, heavy oil generator set and all kinds of imported series, special series (trailer, static speaker, mobile lighthouse, container, etc.) diesel generator At the same time, we are engaged in generator set maintenance and after-sale service of generator set accessories.