Industry news

How to use the generator's enclosed cooling system in hot weather

How to use the closed cooling system of the generator in hot weather is one of the important conditions to improve the heat dissipation efficiency. When the radiator is stained with soil, oil or the heat sink is deformed by collision, the wind will be affected, the heat dissipation effect of the radiator becomes worse, and the temperature of the coolant is too high. Therefore, it is found that the radiator of the generator set should be cleaned or trimmed in time.

The heat transfer of coolant will be affected when scale, sand or oil is deposited in the cooling water box of generator unit. Adding inferior coolant or water will lead to increased scaling in the cooling system, and the heat transfer capacity of scaling is only one tenth of that of metal, so the cooling effect will be worse. Therefore, high quality coolant should be added to the cooling system.

When the engine is in the cold state, the coolant level should be between the expansion tank and the mark. If the level is lower than the mark of the expansion tank, it should be added in time. Note that the coolant in the expansion tank should not be filled, and there should be room for expansion.

If the fan tape is too loose, the pump speed is too low, which affects the coolant circulation and accelerates the wear of the tape. But the tape is too tight, and will make the pump bearing wear. Also, no grease on the tape. Therefore, the tension of the fan tape should be checked and adjusted regularly. Avoid diesel generator set heavy load work, too long engine load is very large, will cause the coolant temperature is too high.

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Jiangsu Meiao Power Technology Co., Ltd. is an important manufacturer of diesel generators. Us ao-generator set manufacturers mainly manufacture and selldiesel generator sets, the power of generator sets is 3-3000KW, mobile station is 24-600KW, Marine emergency diesel generator set 24-800KW, gas generator set, heavy oil generator set and all kinds of imported series, special series (trailer, silent speaker, mobile lighthouse, container, etc.) diesel generator Group at the same time engaged in generator set maintenance and generator set accessories after-sales service.