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Analysis of rated power and reserve power of Perkins diesel generator

As you all know, there are rated power and standby power generators, rated power refers to the use of power, at ordinary times on the standby power is the power and a power value, but has been overloaded state, so the service life of the generator has a certain influence, different power generator using place is different, the following detailed introduce for everybody!

One. Rated power and standby power of diesel generator

1, diesel generating sets in our country is using the main power that is continuous power to nominal, generator can the power we call within 24 hours of continuous use continuous power, and in a certain period of time, the standard is every 12 hours with 1 hour can overload on the basis of continuous power 10%, as the unit of power is what we usually call power;

2, namely the standby power, that is to say, if you buy the main 400KW unit, then you have 1 hour in 12 hours can run to 440KW, if you buy the standby 400KW unit, if you do not overload usually open in 400KW, In fact, the unit has been open in the overload state (because the actual rated power of the unit is only 360KW), which is very adverse to the unit, will shorten the life of the unit and cause a higher failure rate.

Two, the application of different power generators

1. Reserve power is defined as the continuous operation of the generator set for 300h between the specified maintenance cycle and the specified environmental conditions, with more power of 500 working hours per year. Equivalent to limited operating power (LTP) in national and ISO standards. Generally applicable to communications, buildings and other load changes more accidental emergency conditions.

2, common power is defined as the power existing in a variable power sequence between the specified maintenance cycle and the specified environmental conditions, and the number of hours of possible operation each year is not limited, which is equivalent to the basic power in the NATIONAL standard and ISO standard (PRP). Generally applicable to factories, mines, military and other frequent operating conditions with less load variation.

3. Continuous power is defined as the power existing in a constant power sequence that is not limited to the time of possible operation each year between the specified maintenance cycle and the specified environmental conditions. Equivalent to the NATIONAL standard and ISO standards in the continuous power (COP). It is generally used as a power station or connected to the grid with the municipal power and other continuous operation conditions with little load change. The power of the diesel generator set can not be compared with the municipal power, because the diesel generator is converted into electrical energy by the mechanical energy of the diesel engine, and the diesel engine is attenuated in the process of doing work. The relevant power definitions are listed as follows:

1) Diesel generator emergency standby power (ESP) : maintained under agreed operating conditions and as specified by the manufacturer, the generator sets operate at variable load for up to 200h per year in the event of mains interruption or under experimental conditions. The average power output allowed during the 24-h cycle should not exceed 70%ESP, unless otherwise agreed with the manufacturer.

2) Diesel generator limited operating Power (LTP) : under agreed operating conditions and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's regulations, the generator set can operate for up to 500h of power per year. According to the limited running power, the longer running time of each year is 500h.

3) Diesel generator base Power (PRP) : The power of a generator set operating continuously at variable load for an unlimited number of hours per year under agreed operating conditions and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's regulations. The average power output (Ppp) of operation during the 24-h operation cycle shall not exceed 70% of PRP, unless otherwise agreed with the engine manufacturer. In applications where the allowable average power output Ppp is higher than the specified value, the sustained power COP should be used.

4) Diesel generator continuous Power (COP) : The power of a generator set operating continuously at a constant load for an unlimited number of hours per year under agreed operating conditions and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's regulations.


Jiangsu Meiao Power Technology Co., Ltd. is an important manufacturer of diesel generators. Us ao-generator set manufacturers mainly manufacture and selldiesel generator sets, the power of generator sets is 3-3000KW, mobile station is 24-600KW, Marine emergency diesel generator set 24-800KW, gas generator set, heavy oil generator set and all kinds of imported series, special series (trailer, silent speaker, mobile lighthouse, container, etc.) diesel generator Group at the same time engaged in generator set maintenance and generator set accessories after-sales service.