Industry news

Noise analysis of cummins diesel generator set

In order to control the noise effectively, the generation and distribution of unit noise are analyzed firstly, so as to adopt the noise control technology pertinently. According to the working principle of gas turbine generator unit, its noise generation is very complicated.

In terms of causes and locations, the noise of gas turbine generator sets can be divided into the following parts:

(1) Smoke exhaust noise;

(2) mechanical noise;

(3) combustion noise;

(4) cooling fan and exhaust noise;

(5) Air inlet noise;

(6) Generator noise.

According to its propagation path, it can be summarized as the following kinds of noise:

(1) smoke exhaust noise of internal combustion engine. That is, the noise of internal combustion engine smoke exhaust channel, smoke exhaust noise is a kind of high temperature, high speed pulsating air flow noise, is the most energy and composition of the unit noise, much higher than the intake noise and the mechanical noise of body radiation, is the most important part of the total noise of the unit, but also the focus of noise control. Its fundamental frequency is the ignition frequency of the internal combustion engine.

(2) intake noise. That is, the intake noise of the box body, the intake noise mainly includes mechanical noise of the unit, generator noise and airflow noise. Because the intake is passive, and the position is far away from the main noise source, the noise level is relatively low compared with other positions, requiring less noise reduction.

(3) Exhaust noise. The main components of exhaust noise are exhaust noise, airflow noise, fan noise, mechanical noise and combustion noise of internal combustion engine. There are more noise sources and higher noise level, and because the unit adopts strong exhaust cooling, it increases the outward propagation of noise, so the noise control here is relatively difficult.

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Jiangsu Meiao Power Technology Co., Ltd. is an important manufacturer of diesel generators. Us ao-generator set manufacturers mainly manufacture and selldiesel generator sets, the power of generator sets is 3-3000KW, mobile station is 24-600KW, Marine emergency diesel generator set 24-800KW, gas generator set, heavy oil generator set and all kinds of imported series, special series (trailer, silent speaker, mobile lighthouse, container, etc.) diesel generator Group at the same time engaged in generator set maintenance and generator set accessories after-sales service.