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8 factors of abnormal sound of MTU diesel generator set

Today, I will share with you the 8 factors of abnormal sound of diesel generator set, as follows:

1. Gasket abnormal sound gasket edge presents small bubbles, will emit "chua, chua, chua" gas sound, beginning is very small, very sharp, there is a trend of increasing. The reasons are: cylinder head nut tightening force is not average, cylinder head or gasket deformation, high temperature gas leakage along the gap, resulting in gasket burning loss; Initiate long time overload work, warm over high burn cylinder gasket. When the cylinder head is found to leak air, it should be disassembled and inspected in cold state, and the cylinder gasket can be deformed or burned. Replacement should be made in case of damage.

2. Abnormal valve sound When the valve gap is too large, the rocker arm hits the end of the valve rod more heavily, so it gives out a loud abnormal knocking sound. The valve clearance after the engine will become smaller, so the percussion noise is smaller. Valve clearance is too small, will be issued "chua chua chua" sound, and with the increase of the speed of the originator of the sound will increase, and the heat engine is more obvious, serious can make the exhaust valve burn.

3. Piston top abnormal sound piston fixed abnormal sound, generally divided into loud metal percussion sound. There are three reasons: one is that foreign bodies such as small gaskets, screws, etc.) through the inlet pipe or device injector hole into the cylinder, when the piston movement of the top dead center near the left impact piston top; Two is the gas phase is not correct, such as the inlet valve early opening Angle or exhaust valve late closing Angle is too large, or the gas timing gear is wrong, can make the piston and valve touch; Three is the connecting rod tile serious wear or damage, so that the connecting rod bearing clearance is too large, when the piston movement to the TDC left near the valve collision, serious even impact cylinder head.

4. Bearing ring

(1) small tile ring small tile (connecting rod bearing) ring characteristics and load, speed change is closely related. When the speed and load increase, the sound also increases, when suddenly accelerated, the continuous "dangdang" sound is particularly obvious. The reasons for the small tile sound are: diesel engine overload working time is too long or bearing temperature is too high to make the small tile comprehensive ablation; Bearing and journal wear seriously; Bearing and journal clearance is too large or bearing cover bolt loosens, diesel engine is subjected to strong pressure and produces abnormal sound when doing work. If the matching gap between connecting rod bearing and journal is too small, it is difficult for oil to enter the friction surface, and it is not easy to form an oil film, forming a smooth and bad, which will make the journal and bearing dry friction or semi-dry friction and burn out the bearing.

(2) Abnormal sound of crankshaft bearing is heavier and more powerful than that of connecting rod bearing. Rapid acceleration issued dull rhythm "boring" sound, serious opportunity body has strong vibration, sound part attack in the lower part of the cylinder block, and with the increase of speed, load and increase. This abnormal sound is mainly crankshaft bearing and journal wear is serious, radial clearance is too large or the lack of tightening torque bearing cover screw, crankshaft force up and down bouncing caused by the crash. If the oil quality is too poor or the oil pressure is low, it is not easy to form a smooth oil film, the bearing and journal will be semi-dry and dry friction state; Or the crankshaft bearing clearance is too small, the high temperature generated by friction will burn the bearing alloy. When the above situation is serious, it will form a holding shaft.

(3) bushing abnormal ring diesel engine at the same speed, the sound of the piston pin bushing is louder and sharper than the sound of the piston knocking cylinder, which is a kind of beat "da da da" similar to the knocking sound of the steel ball collision. Piston pin and connecting rod bushing wear with too large clearance, piston pin and pin seat hole wear loose, oil pressure is too low, or due to poor smooth formation of piston pin serious ablative, can form bushing abnormal sound. Yatong Electromechanical Equipment Co., LTD.

5.Cylinder abnormal sound diesel generator set in idle or idle slightly higher operation, a similar small hammer knock beat "dangdang" sound, that is, the so-called knock cylinder, and with diesel consumption too much, machine oil consumption and other phenomena. The reasons for the formation of knocking cylinder are: the piston and cylinder wear is serious, the piston and cylinder wall clearance is too large; Piston deformation, piston pin and connecting rod bushing match too tight, connecting rod deformation, piston deflection in the cylinder; The injector works badly, the oil supply early Angle is adjusted improperly or the oil supply quantity of each cylinder is uneven. The identification of percussion cylinder can be stopped by cylinder oil break method. If the sound is obviously weakened or disappeared when the high-pressure oil circuit of a cylinder is disconnected, and the knock is heard after the oil supply is restored, it is clarified that the cylinder fit gap is too large, so that the piston knocks the cylinder. Such as the diesel engine at low temperature when the knock sound is not clear, the temperature rises after idling operation has "quack" sound, the body shaking, and the higher the temperature the greater the sound, it is concluded that the piston or connecting rod deformation, should be timely maintenance.

6. Oil pan abnormal sound connecting rod big head impact oil pan, will make the oil pan quiver, a relatively depressed "percussion vibration" sound.

Flywheel shell abnormal sound Because the effective torque of the diesel generator set is output by the flywheel, so once the flywheel screw loosens, it will inevitably produce intense vibration and give out a great abnormal sound in the flywheel shell.

8. Abnormal sound of gear chamber The noise of gear chamber is directly related to the clearance of gear teeth. When the clearance exceeds the regular value, the intense noise is abnormal sound. Gear clearance is too large to produce a dense and clear "rustling" sound, the loudness is intense.

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Jiangsu Meiao Power Technology Co., Ltd. is an important manufacturer of diesel generators. Us ao-generator set manufacturers mainly manufacture and selldiesel generator sets, the power of generator sets is 3-3000KW, mobile station is 24-600KW, Marine emergency diesel generator set 24-800KW, gas generator set, heavy oil generator set and all kinds of imported series, special series (trailer, silent speaker, mobile lighthouse, container, etc.) diesel generator Group at the same time engaged in generator set maintenance and generator set accessories after-sales service.