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Perkins diesel generator set why thermal runaway

I believe that we are not unfamiliar with the generator set, the thermal control of the generator set refers to the constant voltage charging, the floating charging flow of the battery and the temperature of a cumulative mutual growth effect, resulting in the battery due to high temperature and damage phenomenon. When this phenomenon occurs, it may indicate that there is a problem inside the equipment. Therefore, we need to understand the cause of thermal runaway in order to further troubleshoot the faulty parts.

1. Oxygen compound reaction exothermic. The recombination reaction of oxygen produced by the positive electrode at the negative electrode is an exothermic reaction. If the heat released by the reaction cannot be released, it will raise the temperature of the battery.

2. Battery structure is not conducive to heat dissipation. The structure characteristics of the valve control sealed lead battery is sealed, poor electrolyte, tightly packed with ultrafine glass fiber diaphragm, are not conducive to heat dissipation, that is, the battery is not like the rich liquid battery, through the exhaust, a large number of electrolyte and plate non close arrangement to emit the heat in the battery.

3. High ambient temperature. The higher the ambient temperature is, the worse the heat dissipation of the battery is. In addition, the increase of the temperature will increase the floating charging flow of the battery, and the floating charging flow and temperature will increase each other. So the charging equipment should have temperature compensation function. That is, the floating charging voltage is lowered when the temperature rises.

4. The floating charging voltage is too high. If the floating charging voltage is too high, the floating charging flow increases and the battery temperature rises. The thermal runaway of generator sets is often because of the above four reasons. If the reasons are still not found, it is best to consult professionals or contact manufacturers for help. In the application process, Haixing also suggests that we can avoid the occurrence of the above four phenomena, and lay a foundation for the good operation of the generator set.

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Jiangsu Meiao Power Technology Co., Ltd. is an important manufacturer of diesel generators. The company mainly manufactures and sells diesel generator sets with power of 3-3000kW, mobile power station of 24-600kW, Marine emergency diesel generator set of 24-800kW, gas generator set, heavy oil generator set and all kinds of imported series, special series (trailer, static speaker, mobile lighthouse, container, etc.) diesel generator At the same time, we are engaged in generator set maintenance and after-sale service of generator set accessories.